Sunday, March 19, 2023


 I guess yesterday caught up with me, as I was a sleepy boy for much of the day; I could just feel it, and even fell asleep during the Wisconsin-Liberty game.  I went to the gym this afternoon and after a stop at Bakery 57 for a muffin and a large coffee (it's quite good there, I don't want to know why, either)... well, I feel more enervated now.  At least I managed to partially clear the email inbox and handle a lot of food pantry/SVDP stuff while watching basketball, even though the season is dead to me.  :)

It was cold this morning when I went to Mass, but after... there was snow!  And a lot, relatively speaking -- about an inch in the city.  It seemed a bit sketchy there, so I just went home after Mass and the food pantry (hence the PM gym visit).  Of course, here, in the suburbs, there was very little snow, and it melted away.   That might have affected my fatigue, as normally I hit the gym in the AM.  I will admit, I did feel a little lost being home some early in the morning.

We have a rodent problem at the OC.  I didn't see any but heard them this morning, and other volunteers have seen and heard them as well.  The traps were full, too.  We do have an exterminator, and they are doing yeoman's work, but -- and I have been making inquiries -- the rat/mouse problem seems worse in the city this year.  Couple of volunteers discussing bringing in a .22 or a .38 to plunk a few (I noted in that part of the world, the noise would be unnoticed), and I asked if anyone had cats or rat terriers to have camp overnight.  To be sure, we have an old and poorly sealed building, and a buffet of food for any critter, but my patience -- never very high -- is completely exhausted.  Thankfully as a Civil War buff I know what a Barnburner was, and I am not contemplating that course of action.  Yet.  Any volunteer can bring in traps at reimbursable expense for the immediate duration -- I invested $25 in glue traps, and hope they provide some modest relief.

Interesting, but I don't necessarily think they are in opposition; indeed, in some ways they complement each other, as there is a sort of inherent moral conservatism in the Barstool approach; I can easily see these guys, in ten years (especially if/when they marry and have families), shifting more to the right, morally as well.

Amusing; I would argue that they are taking the arguments and approaches of the left and deciding that this, too, can work for conservatism.  And... there is nothing wrong with that, is there?  Good for the goose, good for the gander, correct?  Of course, on the left, you can two geese, two ganders, or whatever... which, to the FedSoc, is exactly the problem they are trying to solve.


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