Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Shade and snark

 So yesterday I nodded off while lying down, and when I woke up, the lights were on and it was 4 in the morning.  Alas.  No blog yesterday.  I guess I needed it, though I also needed to finish The Impending Crisis (which happened today).  Anyways... well, today I did feel a bit better, and needed less caffeine.  Rah.  Funny; yesterday, I had all of these little things that popped up -- an extra visit by the exterminator to the OC, a couple of minor work projects -- and they all were handled, but it seemed like I was malingering.  I need to stop doing that, obviously (not).

One thing that did amuse me (vastly, of course) was the shade throwing -- first Tara on her men's counterpart at Stanford, and then Nick Saban on Nate Olds.  Who doesn't love this sort of thing?  Also amusing was the hand-wringing abut Rick Pitino and his new job.  I guess on the one hand he is slimy, but on the other... he and everyone else knows this (or should), so anyone who hires him (and the guy can coach, like it or not)...well, I don't fault them, nor do I fault him for going out and getting a new and better job.  I got one and am quite happy!

In other news, I met another SVDP Conference today -- St. Therese in Garfield.  Quite well -- good set of volunteers, good ministries, plenty of good works.  I think all of my parishes have that, we just need more of everything -- volunteers, resources, etc.  I guess that is also part of my job, figuring out how to get more of that flowing.  Also, a couple of them were surprised at how young I was, which, as you can imagine, was immensely gratifying.

I have been quite forgetful today; three times I made a mental note to myself, and three times I remembered it a couple of hours later.  I know that this is just life and nothing more sinister (I hope), but as with everything else going in my stage of life nowadays...it was, if you will, vaguely unsettling.


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