Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Inflation and you

Funny; on the one hand, I am concerned about spending, paying bills down, that sort of thing... on the other, I was plotting out today how much I will be spending on Easter gifts and grub (paska bread, kielbasa, maybe some potato salad or cranberries, like Mom used to make).  Top it off, I bought concert tickets and a ticket to another social event.  To be sure, I am economizing in other ways (not driving to work, watching grocery spending, etc.) but I, like a lot of people, have enough to spend on the stuff we want to.  Which I guess is good...

A philosophical question about the Fed's 'mistake' 🤔 (tker.co)

I liked this one; I mean, I think a lot of people have this debate... yes, inflation is quite high, but a lot of people don't seem to notice -- the restaurants are full, low-wage jobs are paying more (for those who take them), people bought things they wanted... it is a tradeoff.  Certainly some aspects of the economy are going well, even if these price hikes are affecting people in different ways.  Funny; I went to Marc's at lunch to pick up pop at 4/$5, and the checkout lady told me that she never drank the brand I picked til now, and it was quite good... I said, yes, especially at the price.  

Three people I know have suffered deaths in their families -- two mothers and a daughter.  While the first two were not quite unexpected (old age is old age), it is still unsettling, especially now, with Holy Week on us and Easter soon.  

Putin, Trump, Ukraine: how Timothy Snyder became the leading interpreter of our dark times | Ukraine | The Guardian



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