Wednesday, June 14, 2023

The Eye of the Hurricane

 I have a big meeting tomorrow, and while some -- much, even -- of the work is done, some of it is not, and I am strangely unconcerned about it.  Not sure why; some of it is of course because I will handle it tomorrow.  Some of it is in some ways beyond my control.  Hell, some of it I have not decided (shower decision).  But I am vaguely calm, and that is new and unsettling to me.  Could be age and maturity, or maybe I am thinking that the slow and subtle play here works best.  If tomorrow is a catastrophe... well, we will survive.

Planned on a gym double today, but after about noon... the blood sugar has been fairly low all day, even after persistent snacking (which necessitates the need for more gym doubles).  Very depressing.

So, I had a balance transfer offer from one of my credit card companies, and with the new car repair bill and some other stuff... well, I figured now is a good time to move it over.  I mean, it is, but... trying to get the company to take my money has been... a fascinating challenge.  I would argue that if they do not want people to take advantage of enticing offers they should not advertise them, but that's me.  Between the bum steer on the website advice, three calls to customer service, and a screencap of the offer in question... to say nothing of the meh call quality (why are mobile phones so crappy at being phones?)...oi.  I suspect it will be fine a week or two, but we all know how I feel about economy, in all of its incantations.

Patrick Deneen Book: The New Right’s Man in the Ivory Tower - POLITICO
This is fascinating; I moved the book up on the book list (I may read it by the end of the first DeSantis term now).  I think the man is on to something -- indeed, the tradition he described never went away, even if it was politically unpopular among academics.  One can argue (I would) that the Pride backlash is an outgrowth of this; people will tolerate some things, but that which is over the line (tuck bathing suits, trans people hawking America's formerly favorite beer) is going to get a clapback.  Funny thing is, even with the weight of elite opinion against them... it continues.  Hell, when Cracker Barrel and Garth Brooks may be taking hits from real America about this... color me impressed.  And, of course, long may it continue.


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