Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Serenity of a Sort

 Meant to blog yesterday but I crashed... I was laying on the bed, nodded off, and then I woke up and it was 3:30 AM, lights on (think of the carbon emissions!)... oops.  I do that often -- maybe more as I have been having trouble sleeping.  Of course, when I do go to bed early, I either can't fall asleep or get up in the middle of the night.  I suspect a real full-time position would change that but as that has yet to happen...

Sunday night I went with one of my former coworkers to see Blessthefall (among others) at the Beachland.  I do like the site -- it is a bit far, and the parking is interesting, to put it mildly, but it is a good site to see a show.  Blessthefall was quite good, as was the band preceding it, Caskets (though I preferred "Gaskets," given what happened the last time); I do like my screamo, I guess, albeit not as much as pop punk.  One thing... most concerts you go to, they have a wall of security to keep the crowdsurfers from the band, but not here... so everyone, once they made it to the stage, generally had to fall back down on to the crowd and surf back.  As I told my friend, I have absolutely no faith in my fellow man and hence have no faith in their ability to catch me, much less transport me from A to B.

I went to the closing rite of the Nine Nights of Prayer at St. Stan's today (it was our parish's turn to be in involved).  Actually, first I went to 7 PM Mass (it WAS a Holy Day of Obligation, and as we are not Hope and Changers...) and lo and behold, it was the Polish Mass.  Oops.  To be sure, I had my missalette and could follow along (save for the homily), but obviously, I need to pay more attention to the bulletin.  Then there was the prayer service, and it was... not very long, honestly, but quite nice; I should definitely go more often, especially if they have one closer to home.

A couple of flies are in the house, or, hopefully, were; I killed one yesterday and the other today.  I realize they can come from anywhere, especially given my fondness for open (and older) windows, but it was still unsettling, and in both cases there was a massive post-kill search for any of his cousins.  Tomorrow if I find any there will be a massive overreaction, I can assure you of that!


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