Tuesday, September 05, 2023


 Man, it was hot today.  Hell, it is still hot in here; I realize my home is poorly insulated, but it seems to be keeping the heat in today (no, I have not put the AC on; some of this is for economy, some for the carbon emissions, and some because, well, I really have not had it on much this year).  Oi.  I guess sweating off the pounds is not the worst thing, given the scale creep I have noticed.  At least it was a good day; some work, an interview (with a follow-up Friday!), and I spent a few hours making goulash for the Polish Festival (with this abundance of free time).  It was interesting; someone was frying up pork, I was cutting up carrots and onions, and it all went into the cooking unit with the gravy and the seasonings.  I will admit, it was pretty good, and it was interesting to see it being made -- the recipe seems simple, but there is quite a bit of work involved.  At least I can speak about what's in it to our guests.

One thing I was able to do today was really go through the email folder (it is quite empty, for now) and I went off and went through some bookmarked articles (that pile seems to be diminishing, albeit less rapidly).  This is good -- we all know how I feel about that -- and in some cases I read some interesting articles.  This is in contrast to my book, which is... not bad, but you can tell it was not written by a professional historian.  Stuff is repeated, points are emphasized with exclamation points that are highly superfluous, and there are some incorrect facts (McPherson was NOT the only army commander killed in the war; 60 pages before he mentioned the death of Albert Sidney Johnson!) which are cloying.  Still, we carry on!

Turnabout Is Fair Play And Also Both Fun And Essential (townhall.com)
This is funny and has some element of truth to it.  To be sure, few GOPers would have the stones to do it, but....

Some Republicans Worry that a Trump Nomination Could Bring Steep Down-Ballot Losses for the GOP - The Messenger
This, to me, is a fairly important concern, and one which I see no real way of solving, save for someone else winning an early primary.  No one wants to see the House lost or the chance of taking back the Senate go up in smoke, which could be an issue.  Yes, the Donald does attract some new voters to the GOP, but he does seem to rankle moderates and suburbanites, and there are plenty of those floating around on Election Day...


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