Wednesday, August 30, 2023


 I was out with some friends yesterday -- they are nearing the completion of their remodeled and soon-to-be-flipped home.  It was fun, honestly; just talking and having fun and doing adult things, but... I got home late, and then I couldn't sleep.  So in consequence I felt tired all day -- really crashed hard.  Having some coffee now -- I should probably be in bed.  But, this evening I have decided I need to push through and accomplish some things, and here we are... and this is probably good.   Ideally, between now and Friday, I will be able to get ALL of these things done, and...  well, we all know how I feel about that.

I was thinking last night about how it has now been two months unemployed, and while in some ways I am used to it... in many ways I most assuredly I am not.  Talked to a couple of recruiters yesterday, which will probably not help, but... it is something.  I keep applying, looking, and searching.  This long weekend I should probably do something else, like house clean or read or something productive.  Plenty of people tell me I need to stress less, but... well, that is not quite in my vocabulary.

Why Are Mortgage Rates So High? - A Wealth of Common Sense
Interesting.  It is true, given the large number of people (like me!) who have mortgages with low interest rates, that there will be little action in the housing market, save for a fall in rates or a big hike in housing construction, which is not exactly something that flips a switch, so... this might last a while.  To be sure, interest rates could fall, but I don't exactly see the Fed trying to do that soon, either... which is sort of a mystery to me. 

Colorado school is forced to let student keep Gadsden flag patch on his bag after teacher ordered him to remove it and said it had 'origins with slavery' (
I am glad the kid won, but to me this is not enough... shouldn't we be going after the Board members and the principal?  It's not enough for a reversal of policy; someone has to lose a job over this -- at the least -- to prevent it from happening again.

Conservative pop culture is having a moment (
I guess I am a little surprised about this; I mean, I think there has always been a conservative pop culture, but it is having a moment now because conservatives and their counterreaction are too big to be ignored by the media.  This is good, but it is also a matter of concern; we won't have home runs all the time.


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