Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Oddly Productive

No blog yesterday, due to... well, an early and long day, a long meeting, and a couple of job interviews this morning, which I studied for last night (and again this morning).  Anyways, I crashed at 11 (woke up at 1:30 with low blood sugar, joy) and didn't write.  Aside from AM highs, my blood sugar has been low throughout the day, which has caused snacking, which has caused me to put weight on -- 183 pounds.  Oi.  I do not like that, though it is somewhat understandable.

Anyways, I think both interviews went well -- one was a screen, one was a second, and that one went long (to me a good sign, they want to talk to you).  I have a few more lined up this week (all screens, for now), a couple of more meetings, and, to be sure, my part-time job work.  I am not sure how I can fit everything in tomorrow before the debate (to say nothing of a trip to the gym), which I do not want to miss.  Even without the Donald, there should be plenty of fireworks, as people will want to stand out.  Honestly, I can see why the Donald would skip, but I would think it would give his rivals an opportunity to attack him and stand out.  If the GOP can winnow out the other candidates, and if someone -- say Ron DeSantis -- can make a coherent attack.  Of course, plenty of ifs.

I cut the grass and weed-whacked today; needed to, given the length and the rain coming.  Funny; after the interviews today, I lunched and did errands, and then it was home.  I shoved as much as I could in two hours, and then the yard care... I was like whoa, it's 4 PM, and then I had some food pantry stuff to do.  Now I am going to send out some follow-up emails and such from yesterday's food pantry meeting, which was fine, aside from the fact that nothing ever drifts off; everything needs follow-ups, contacts with other people or groups, I get ideas about how to help people or get resources... oi.  

Funny; I have been trying to go meatless a couple of times a week, for reasons of health and budget.  It's really not hard; I mean, he who eats a PB&J sandwich every day for lunch can easily have something like cauliflower steak or a baked potato for dinner.  I certainly don't care about the Earth, though I do enjoy telling our clients at the food pantry how easy and economical it is (I am sure they take it well).  But...one drawback of this is... well, let's just say that there are far fewer small critters in Chateau Mattie on these days, and lately... even I have been impressed by the olfactory carnage.


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