Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Sad Summer

 No post yesterday as I had a very long day; namely, it was the Sad Summer Festival -- nine musical acts, led by Matt-favorite Mayday Parade -- and of course I wanted to see every act.  This was a problem, namely due to the weather -- we had pouring rain from about 1:30 (show started at 2) til about 3.  Now, Jacobs Pavilion is covered, but for some reason, they didn't want the fans under it, so everyone just milled around and found shelter as best as they could.  Once inside...well, it appeared the weather was good, but given that the show was supposed to go on rain or shine...well, it was a bit hollow to the fans.  

This created another problem in that everything had to be compressed; bands played fewer songs, and it seemed in the beginning they were really turning the stage over quickly, but -- let's face it -- nine set changes in a lot, and as you went on, with bigger acts, the stage was more complex (one would think they would have deep-sixed this)... and it dragged.  Hell, We The Kings played five songs, one of which was a cover of "Mr. Brightside," which is fine, but...they have enough albums for their own music, especially in a compressed set.  Anyways, it was 10:30 before I left.  And...well, I stood for nine hours, had but one bottle of water (no input, no output), jostled by herds of pachyderms (or, as we say in the Fun Run Bunch, pachydermettes), and the heat and such (while not oppressive, was a factor)... well, my back was killing me, and the walk back to the Behemoth...oi.  Fortunately, I parked quite near an exit, and despite not being able to get on the shoreway, I was able to get on 90 and cruise home.  I was starving and stopped at Denny's; they slightly messed up my order, but I was so ravenous that I didn't realize it til halfway through...it was quite good besides, though; nothing like a Grand Slam and three whole tall glasses of caffeinated goodness.  Then home and after catching up on stuff... to bed.  I did feel better this morning, but..

Did some more shopping for the fest today -- I think I have all of the food and drink -- but between fatigue, running around, and new job paperwork, cleaning will be put off til tomorrow.  Oi.  The kitchen table looks daunting but once I start... no problem.  Plenty of space in the spare room.  I need to decide on another side...bathroom might be done last but... maybe twice is not bad.  I should get some yard chores done, too.  Oi.  All of this at once...yowza. I always joke about my life being on tilt, but..


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