Saturday, December 31, 2005

Finally made plans to see Brokeback Mountain next week. While it has been getting good reviews, and seems to be drawing record crowds...three caveats...

1) It is only playing on both left coasts;

2) It's an Ang Lee film; and

3) How many people are seeing it not because it is some wonderful love story, but becuase it's about two gay cowboys (and, as many of my female friends remind me, hot men), hopefully eating pudding. It does seem like the scandal factor will be drawing most people in, and not the film itself...


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Post I

Well, I've finally entered the 21st century, and have my own blog. Rah.

Missed Final Jeopardy! tonite, ending my streak. Very sad.

$4 million for Jason Johnson? Christ, I almost had an insulin reaction.

Dear Worst Weather Ever:

Yeah, we can have a debate. I am not a fan of neither the Fox News style nor the NPR style. Fox News would be awful, with all the shouting and dirty phone calls. On the other hand, no one listens to NPR, so no one would hear us. Perhaps CD giveaways (Rufus Wainwright and Lee Greenwood) could be used to attract attention?

My ten-day vacation starts today. Heaven abounds with goodness...