Sunday, May 31, 2015

Swept Away

The government that robs Peter to pay Paul will always have the support of Paul...

So, a couple of weeks ago, I was reading the obits, and I discovered that a parishioner of ours passed away.  Today, I was glancing at the obits...and another parishioner passed away.  On the one hand, I am glad to be reading this, because otherwise I would be in the dark, but on the other...Jesus, I am turning into an old person.  I will be 29+8 in a few days, so yes, I am an old person.

I had some water in the basement yesterday; not much, enough to annoy me and get the bathroom carpet wet, and until it dries, it will smell like wet carpet.  I was tempted to go down there and light candles, but instead....I watched the Tribe.  Didn't think they would do it, but they did.  They have played well as of late; to be sure, the competition has not been that good, but that is what you have to do...

Saturday, May 30, 2015


The morning chores and errands are done, so what is left but to blog, read, catch up on thing should be sleep; rough workouts and not much shuteye has me beat lately.  Not sure about the general restlessness; I've tried to keep the late nights to a minimum.  At least the thing on the lip is gone (as far as I can tell), though I suspect it will return with a festering vengeance.  I don't think our sort-of-recent heat wave has helped, either, given that I always seem to suffer from the first burst.

I am reading City of Nets; it is a book about the Hollywood of the 40s; somewhat chrologically organized, but not terribly so.  Interesting but not systemic, very gossipy and chatty...I like it, one does learn from these things, but I think I prefer something a little more...just the facts, ma'am, if you will.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Sores around

My lip is a little better; whatever it is, it is not painful and it seems to be going down, though it still looks like crap.  Not sure what it is about holidays and my face...

The zombie bats were alive today; Swisher, Chisenhall, was impressive, and if we can get 40 more games like that, we might make the playoffs.  Carrasco pitched well, which is not that surprising, but good to note.

My trainer didn't put me on the machines today, but I almost wish he had; squats with the weights, situps, pushups, jump rope, and this thing where you put your legs in place and bend over with folded arms; I had immense trouble with that, mainly because I had this sensation of falling...couldn't shake it, but he promised me we'd do it again, which made me immensely be sure, I am paying for this, and if I want to look better, this is what it takes.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


I've moved on to the next book in the Powell series -- not quite good, but interesting -- and only a couple of hundred pages...I think I am more than half done with them, and if I actually read them all at once, I think it would go quickly, but I do like to mix things up, and hence it is getting on.  I guess all my recent traveling, and thus reading, has spurred me to keep at it, and I've been slipping in some extra pages here and there, with favorable results, I think.

Marcum pitched like a reliever yesterday; I mean, it clearly looked -- and I know Texas can hit -- but his stuff looked completely worse than his last start; I mean, he "battled" in that one, but he was completely floggable.  Terry left him in too long, of course...but that didn't help.  In the meantime, Danny Salazar imploded in the know, our pitchers seem to do that A LOT; walk guys, hit them, and sure enough, he comes the big bats with men on.  I realize the defense is shoddy, but my God, doesn't anyone look at the lineup card?

I had to use my windshield wiper fluid this AM.  I only mention this because the Patriotmobile, for God knows how long, the fluid dispenser didn't work, and hence I had to use all sorts of subterfuges to clean the window.  Now, with the Behemoth, one button and there you go.  I have to admit, I still miss the Patriotmobile...I had had it for 15 years, all sort of memories in it.,,not that I do not love the Behemoth, but...I still have a searing memory, the last day I had the Patriotmobile, before they came to take it had been sitting a while in the garage, not on that last day, trying to move it out of the garage...and she wouldn't move.  I had to gun it out, but the whole time, I was speaking -- out loud -- telling my old truck that it was time to leave, she'd done her duty, and I would always remember her...and finally she settled out of the driveway.  I've never had a pet of course, but I suspect it would be like taking Fido to be put down...

In other bad news, I have an inflamed lymph node/abcess/something on the inside of my had been hurting, now it is only sort of sore.  I've had inflamed lymph nodes before, usually when I am sleepless, so I didn't lose any sleep when the other side of the mouth hurt, but...this one was on the wrong side and MUCH larger than anyone I've ever had.  I do not want to go to the MD for this, so I may schlep to a minute clinic and see if they can suggest something...

Monday, May 25, 2015


Memorial Day -- like the weekend -- has gone languidly...I've done some reading, went through a small crap pile, did a little cleaning...rah.  Mainly rested; I've been able to get seven hours of sleep (and a couple of catnaps!) each of the past two nights, which is nice...I think if I can keep this going for a few days, I should be ok.  I mean, I am overtired still, but I sense myself being...better, if you get my drift.

Watched two flicks on the list... First "The Cameraman," a 1928 silent starring Buster Keaton.  It was fairly humorous, as his flicks are...also sort of modern, in that he is a basically a free-lance cameraman running around looking for news; no different from those today going around with the phone cameras...  The second one was "Carmen Jones," a remake of "Carmen" and starring an all African-American cast.  It was actually good, even if a musical, in that it was...well, I rather liked how they adapted "Carmen" to a uniquely American theme.  Most impressive.

I am going to be 37 soon...oi.  I mean, I have a new car, and a gf/wife/kids.  Job is ok, could be better.  I am not sure what, if anything, all this portends, save for the fact that I am now closer to old than older...

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Well, I ended up hanging out with some friends in Willoughby last night, and after dinner, hanging out, fourthmeal...we had a late night.  Followed by an early morning.  I am feeling it now...

I am not terribly surprised by the Brelo verdict (excellent timing to announce it today) though, as I have said charge only ONE police officer with anything is a travesty of justice in and of itself.

I liked a lot of what they said here; I think a good deal we could apply to the OC.  Mind you, I don't quite think our clients are that, um, smart or honest, so more careful supervision could be used, but a more flexible system of distribution would be smarter.  I also -- and I have said that as well -- do not see quite the evidence for a desire for healthy eating among our clientele, and I suspect that people are being pollyanish...I mean, considering that, the last time I ran food bags to cars, I counted 21 straight cars where I was almost asphyxiated by the scent of tobacco...I really don't think healthy habits are high on a lot of people's lists.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Caught up

This may be a record lapse, I am now.  Between the reunion, recovering from the reunion, work, the later Tribe games...anyways, here we are, in immense pain/soreness...I have not been sleeping well, and after three days of heavy, trainer-led workouts, I am feeling it.  I am lifting more, weight-wise, and are able to do more things, so I cannot complain.  I mean, I would not see this, but I can feel it.  So that is good.

The Tribe is playing better, if not well; strength of schedule, I would say, is part of it, and the starters are doing better...that and they are sort-of hitting lefties, which is something we will have to see more of down the line.  Hell, Swisher hit one out, which is impressive.

The reunion was ok; I mean, some people you don't need to see again, and I think most of the classmates are among them.

I hit the 300 mark on the NFR list...I watched some shorts Sunday night, and "Quasi at the Quackadero" was the lucky one (it was ok).  I told one coworker that now is the hard part, that there is no real milestone coming...but there are, each and every one.  I watched "Road to Morocco" yesterday -- funny, cute, a little dated -- and I ordered two more from the library...and we will just keep plugging away...

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


This is the 300th post, which I guess should be a grand occasion; maybe it is; Kluber K'ed 18, and Allen did NOT blow the save, which is pretty nice.  I was able to clean up some paperwork/bills/mail during the game, always a nice touch, and I am continuing my progress on the book I got about the shipping issues of World War II.  That and some more watching of "Sons of Anarchy" and I may need to finally go back to the library and drop off some books (I also need to order some; supply does create its own demand, you know).

I was wondering why the GOP didn't pile in on the trade bill; yes, never attack an enemy while he is imploding, but...I would have made hay about all the secret provisions, being the Administration is the most transparent in history.  Alas.  It was amusing, and I would have thought the GOP would tried to make some hay.  Oh well.

I had a hell of a time with the gym today; I don't know if it is poor sleep quality or I am still affected by the trip (I think I was dehydrated for Sunday, and some running did NOT help), but the leg work almost killed me.  I am stressing arms the next time I go in, as that affects me the least, I have noticed.  Mind you, I am not seeing effects enough, but that is my fault...

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


As you may have guessed, I didn't blog for a few days...because I was on vacation, of college roomie asked me to be godfather to his new son, so off I went to Naples for the ceremony...I also decided to take an extra day and see the sights.  So, it was nice to get away...even if I had to fly twice (two takeoffs and landings each time!) and, well, fly. Naples was only 90; it is very nice there, but full of old people, so it is not a happening place.  I went to the local art museum, which had some cool Chihuly works and a traveling exhibit of Academy paintings, which were lovely.  I had a good fish dinner, and ate two wonderful brunches...and got a new godson, which is cool, in that someone thinks I am a good Catholic and I have a lifetime commitment of faith and $100 bills.  The entire place is pretty much so that I was asked if I (I had made some social justicey comments) was appalled by what I saw...and I was not; I mean, you want people to be generous, but as I said, let's face it, lots of people are poor because they make bad choices...and lots of people are wealthy because they didn't.

One nice thing about the flight was that I was able to finish two books -- the next-to-last one in the Nevins series and then Five Came Back, which discussed the war service of great US directors (Capra, Ford) during WWII; some of their works I've seen and others I will have to check out, list or no list.

So, I heard some noise from outside...went to look, and a raccoon is using my roof for his acrobatics practice.  Lovely...

I have been on a protein kick lately -- beans, salmon, egg whites, etc. -- so we will see what happens if and when I hit the gym...the trainer is having car trouble, and while I certainly sympathize...I need my grueling workouts to help the non-manly physique.

Wednesday, May 06, 2015


It is late, I am sleepless, so...first of all, Team XI won tonite at PQ.  Yes, there were only four teams, and yes, I blew the missing link, but we finally won...again.  It did feel good.

Next, the April OC stats:  399 client visits, 176 seniors, 579 adults, 415 kids.  Rah.

Now, on to some links:

I get a kick out of these things; I mean, we're Republicans, for Christ's sake...act like one.

I found the leader of Mags' comments to be...well, interesting; it's like they want some students in, but not, of course, too many of them.  Wonder why.  :)  Similarly, I was bemused by the Lakewood Democrat touting the improvement of CPS as a reason not to expand the geographic reach of vouchers...again, I just wonder why.  :)

I hate to say this, but I've never really seen a lack of interest in a bowl game (aside from the schools themselves, who have to swallow the tickets).  But, if you look at the TV ratings -- which is driving the issue here -- people watch; maybe not a lot, but they do, enough to usually do as well or better than anything else on...and thus, Virginia, we have a reason to have 42 bowl games

Monday, May 04, 2015


No blogging this weekend, mainly because 1) I was watching movies and 2) I was driving/watching softball.  Favorite Niece's team won their conference and their conference championship -- yay! -- and it was fun and exciting to watch; off to the playoffs.  Rah.

Film-wise, I watched four more on the list... First was Orson Welles' "The Magnificent Ambersons" (I read the book a while back); I liked it, very odd but good camera angles and a good pace...but you could tell the ending was forced.  I think the book was better...that said, the movie was sweet.  Then I watched "Ninotchka," which I rather liked -- didn't know it was Lubitsch, and had a very light but intelligent feel to it (as all his films do) it was a 1939 flick, so what was said about Communism was a little...risky.  Finally, I watched "Frankenstein" and "Bride of Frankenstein" thanx to Netflix; I liked them, not quite my cup of tea.  But, I could see how moviegoers --seeing them for the first time, especially the concept -- would have reacted.

In other news, trying to do some reading, rah.  I've been trying to increase my protein intake -- egg whites, chicken, beans, peanut butter -- to add mass or at least not lose any.  To be sure we are but a few days in, but the trainer did put me through the ringer today on the legs, including some weights I had never lifted before, so while I can hardly walk...I feel damn good about it.