Monday, May 25, 2015


Memorial Day -- like the weekend -- has gone languidly...I've done some reading, went through a small crap pile, did a little cleaning...rah.  Mainly rested; I've been able to get seven hours of sleep (and a couple of catnaps!) each of the past two nights, which is nice...I think if I can keep this going for a few days, I should be ok.  I mean, I am overtired still, but I sense myself being...better, if you get my drift.

Watched two flicks on the list... First "The Cameraman," a 1928 silent starring Buster Keaton.  It was fairly humorous, as his flicks are...also sort of modern, in that he is a basically a free-lance cameraman running around looking for news; no different from those today going around with the phone cameras...  The second one was "Carmen Jones," a remake of "Carmen" and starring an all African-American cast.  It was actually good, even if a musical, in that it was...well, I rather liked how they adapted "Carmen" to a uniquely American theme.  Most impressive.

I am going to be 37 soon...oi.  I mean, I have a new car, and a gf/wife/kids.  Job is ok, could be better.  I am not sure what, if anything, all this portends, save for the fact that I am now closer to old than older...


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