Monday, May 04, 2015


No blogging this weekend, mainly because 1) I was watching movies and 2) I was driving/watching softball.  Favorite Niece's team won their conference and their conference championship -- yay! -- and it was fun and exciting to watch; off to the playoffs.  Rah.

Film-wise, I watched four more on the list... First was Orson Welles' "The Magnificent Ambersons" (I read the book a while back); I liked it, very odd but good camera angles and a good pace...but you could tell the ending was forced.  I think the book was better...that said, the movie was sweet.  Then I watched "Ninotchka," which I rather liked -- didn't know it was Lubitsch, and had a very light but intelligent feel to it (as all his films do) it was a 1939 flick, so what was said about Communism was a little...risky.  Finally, I watched "Frankenstein" and "Bride of Frankenstein" thanx to Netflix; I liked them, not quite my cup of tea.  But, I could see how moviegoers --seeing them for the first time, especially the concept -- would have reacted.

In other news, trying to do some reading, rah.  I've been trying to increase my protein intake -- egg whites, chicken, beans, peanut butter -- to add mass or at least not lose any.  To be sure we are but a few days in, but the trainer did put me through the ringer today on the legs, including some weights I had never lifted before, so while I can hardly walk...I feel damn good about it.


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