Wednesday, May 13, 2015


This is the 300th post, which I guess should be a grand occasion; maybe it is; Kluber K'ed 18, and Allen did NOT blow the save, which is pretty nice.  I was able to clean up some paperwork/bills/mail during the game, always a nice touch, and I am continuing my progress on the book I got about the shipping issues of World War II.  That and some more watching of "Sons of Anarchy" and I may need to finally go back to the library and drop off some books (I also need to order some; supply does create its own demand, you know).

I was wondering why the GOP didn't pile in on the trade bill; yes, never attack an enemy while he is imploding, but...I would have made hay about all the secret provisions, being the Administration is the most transparent in history.  Alas.  It was amusing, and I would have thought the GOP would tried to make some hay.  Oh well.

I had a hell of a time with the gym today; I don't know if it is poor sleep quality or I am still affected by the trip (I think I was dehydrated for Sunday, and some running did NOT help), but the leg work almost killed me.  I am stressing arms the next time I go in, as that affects me the least, I have noticed.  Mind you, I am not seeing effects enough, but that is my fault...


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