Wednesday, April 26, 2017


Well, it has a banner week, full of work, if you get my some ways this is actually better -- one of the "irons in the fire" so discussed by the Fun Run Bunch went -- as expected -- the way of all Matt romances.  Not saying I was surprised, but I was also less hurt, mainly because of the ever-expanding stuff at the office. Not much time to think...

The Astros are a good team, but we really shouldn't have to pull out ALL the stops to beat them, do we? The defense...oi.  Not been good so far, or, at least, the people we expected to be awful are.  The catchers are really killing this team, too.  Defensively, they are fine, but it's like having the pitcher hit out there.

There is something to be said for this, though I am also of the opinion that the middle-class blue types flee to the red areas, but bring their values with them, vote blue, and over the course of a generation, turn the place into a shithole...not fully realizing the cause.  This does uphold the universality of Gresham's Law, simply means more migration.

Friday, April 21, 2017


Been a little (well, more) down today...a friend gave a couple of us a call for some issues, which we resolved, and then we moved on to other things, including a highly favorable prognostication on some of my...latest romantic attempts...  I told them that, like Sebastian in Brideshead Revisited, I should just confine myself to a monastery to spare me...well, everything.  This actually amused the hell out of me, since 1) It's not these guys are aware of the book and 2) Finding out the exact meaning of the reference will give them all sorts of titters....  Anyways, more to the point...much as remarriage is the triumph of hope over experience...I have been down these roads before, and even after greatly discounting my usual full-bore romantic push...well, as with everything, I know how these "irons in the fire" will end.  That was of course depressing...also, the fact that the boys had to come to me for advice...ok, not really, as I was able to provide my usual insight, but...I guess it is a good thing, but I felt bad for my friends.  To say nothing of the usual stuff, like the meh of work and a sleepless night...well, laying down will be a relief.

Kluber has been pretty awesome today; yesterday, Bauer was able to avoid the usual meltdown and pitch out of a jam.  My ex-supervisor and I were discussing his approach, and I said that I thought the Tribe's brain trust and their insistence he cull pitches from the repertoire was a little dumb, as you'd think, with only three or four, guys would figure it out...generations ago, the trend was to teach guys four or five..  Course, I thought about it...back then, with only four starters, fewer teams, less faced guys more times in a season, and thus you needed a full bunch of pitches to give guys different looks -- and of course you were expected to face guys four times a game.  Now, of course, six or seven, and five relievers (and hours) later...there you go.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


My plans for the evening were changed by the rain; water, of course, creeped up into the basement.  Not a lot, of course -- as I like to say, like when you put your toes in at the beach, but a bit more than last year...grrr.  So, rather than catch up on some reading and watch "Concussion" (the movie the NFL doesn't want you to see!), I spent most of the evening brooming water about, bailing, and slaving away.  Grr again.  This has a number of other consequences, such as my needing to Swiffer the basement tomorrow, my needing to do the same to the kitchen floor (I trucked up some dirt), drying all of the sopped towels...also, ants tend to make their first appearance about now, so I have to prepare for that.  I know, First World problems in the extreme, but...


I think this is brilliant; after all, they want to pay their fair share of taxes, or at least want YOU to pay their fair share, but like most liberals, they really want everyone else to pay their fair share.  

I went and had dinner with some friends yesterday in the People's Socialist Bodega, which, despite its nomenclature, had a Moroccan menu and theme... we stuck to tapas, and it was nice, but the whole thing did amuse me.  I did manage to survive, mainly by not telling anyone I was going, lest the authorities be notified...

Sunday, April 16, 2017


Easter came and went...nice, though... I wish it were longer, actually; also, unlike Xmas, it's hard to secularize, though the Hope and Changers will try.  Mass, QFT, some presents...what could be better?  Too much eating, of course.  As for me, I have mainly laid around...I finished up "Justified" and clicked two shorts off the list (544) -- "Pass the Gravy," and "Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor."  Both were cute and funny in their own way...

Depressing Tribe loss, as they all are; I mean, on the one hand, it is early, and they always funk out now, but...these are winnable games, and they are all important..

Started reading The Last Innocents, which is about the 1960s far, it has the most sympathetic portrayal of Maury Wills that I have ever read...  It is 400 pages, and I am 45 in, so...but it will be an enjoyable long read, as they so often are...

Friday, April 14, 2017


Yet another loss for the Tribe...ugh.  From watching Roberto Perez bat for himself, to watching Terry Francona watch Josh Tomlin get battered, to this...oi.  At least Lonnie Chisenhall seems somewhat healthy.  I am not quite sold on the CF experiment, of course, but given that we really don't have one, this seems as good a makeshift one as any.  Alas.

I think, for all the griping (much of it deserved!) about the Trump administration, this is ONE thing for which he can earn much praise, provided it comes to pass; lots of GOPers talk the game, but if he does it...well, that alone would be worth much of what has transpired.  I am still a bit more optimistic about health care than many of my fellow GOPers, for the same reason.

Lent is almost over; I've managed to pray every day, which is...well, what I was supposed to do, I guess.  :)  Hard to believe -- spring is here, temperatures are warming, I am washing the winter bedsheets tomorrow.  I am almost tempted to believe we will have more snow...well, almost.

Speaking of almost, I am almost done with Bradbury's The Medieval Siege; quite good, lots of info and details, and of course it is about war and violence...though one thing he stresses is that the siege was as much as logistical endeavor as any other, even moreso than engineering...

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Well, that was an exciting home looked as if Encarnation was both throwing his shoulder out and missing the timing on ALL the pitches; most impressive.  Equally impressive -- Lindor (Lindor!) sacrificing to set up the double play; I mean, if he did it on his own, that is one thing, but to have a manager call that...oi.  Similarly, watching Yan Gomes bat in the 9th...WTF?  I know Terry has his guys, but Gomes has been execrable for two years now, and if the situation didn't scream for Austin Jackson, I don't know what would have.  Oi.

This is largely true, but of course these people leave and bring their values with them, so...the effect is muted.  Sort of the last Scene they had this thing that, save for immigration, the county would have LOST population over the past ten years.  Well, this could be me, but...why would they leave?  High taxes?  Crime?  Corruption?  And, of course, the good people of scene want more of they can be surprised when more people leave.

This could be me, but this hyper-partisanship is due in some part to the 17th Amendment, which, as my college prof used to say, made Senators super-Congresspeople, instead of -- as imagined originally by the Constitution -- legislators designed to represent the interest of the states.  For one thing, all of the hyper-partisan activity would be concentrated at the local level, and two, you'd have a different type of people in the Senate, and I suspect it would be a bit more...civilized; or, at the very least, it would be easier to cut a guy out of the golden goose every six years...

Monday, April 10, 2017

Weekend fun

I had a long Saturday (day and night) and ended up going to bed before 10 yesterday; not only did I really need it, but I think I could do it again, though I am not quite tired yet...I was at the MD a few weeks ago and he told me NOT to fight sleep so much.  Yesterday, well, it worked.

One thing that did NOT work was the Tribe; maybe the D-Backs are hot now, but...ugh.  The bottom half of the rotation looked craptastic, and while it is just one will be a problem if you can't get six innings a game out of either of them.  The offensive ineptitude also bothered me, but, well, one gets used to that.  I see Arizona put Archie Bradley in the bullpen...interesting; all that talent, and, well, there you more starting for you...

Since, of course, he is a stooge of the Russians...

Managed to return to the film list with two entries.  The first was the Marsha Graham movies -- four dances written and done by her, including the "Appalachian Spring" sequence..  The second was "Decasia," an experimental film consisting of scenes from other silent films with music...let's just say that I was glad to watch them and cross them off the list... 541!

I also managed to clean out and organize the hall closet...the fact that this qualifies as an achievement worries me, though I guess I could tackle any of other five or six things to do around here...

Friday, April 07, 2017

A modest discussion

Not really sure about the Syrian action; ok, I mean, I do support it, but what was done was not enough.  To be sure, this is one thing Obama did fuck up, and left the new guy with shit...getting rid of Assad, of course, should be the goal.  In the meantime, the articles about how Russia is pissed off about Trump...well, consider it a variation on my favorite theme.

A couple of people sent me this (I saw it, too) and I sent it on to some comments.

First -- and this was nearly universal -- while the guy may be a good coach, as an administrator, he is horsebleep, especially if he couldn't get his rich and successful alums to kick in (or, more wisely, ask their lawyers/agents/accountants to make a tax-free donation).

Second -- as noted in the article and comments -- the business model really wasn't one; relying on lots of free/cheap help (not only the nuns; I am always surprised by the amount of janitorial/custodial work students did in those days), having lots of kids due to large Catholic families, and, let's face it...Other People's Money (in the form of parish subsidies)...well, it really wasn't sustainable, and like the HRC campaign, someone should have seen it coming.  (It says much about Catholic schools if their graduates didn't, snark.)  Now, of course, they have to pay teachers (less than public schools, and in some dioceses, LESS than living wages), the student pool is smaller, and, well, in many cases, parishes simply cannot fund these schools.  And, around here, there are fewer students to begin with; public school districts are also "consolidating," with equal angst (see Parma, which, if you think of it, also reeks of...poor vision, if you get my drift.)

There is another problem here; while the article asserts that Catholic schools did serve minority students well in the past -- when I think there WAS a clear superiority of parochial schools compared to public schools -- nowadays, I am not so sure:

I don't know; I would think that if the Catholic schools were so much better than public schools, they would have higher scores (most of my friends who saw this thought that MY percentage of "higher" was lower than it should have been, oddly) but...that's not really the case.  And, if you looked at the per-school data...well, the ones that were the higher performers were...let's just say that they served...communities that were whiter and wealthier; if you adjusted for that, I think the advantage would be nil.  Actually, this leads me to wonder if the "Greeley thesis" mentioned in the link is of the same vintage; put a bunch of challenged kids in an environment with stable, two-parent families and see if they can hold serve (sort of like, say, most of my high school friends had to hustle to match the Asian kids).

If anything, I think we should be looking at how charters and public schools have achieved "parity" with Catholic schools.  My own not-so-sneaking suspicion is that public schools had to evolve in the face of threats, and while it is uneven, it's tangible in some places; as with everywhere else, kids who want to learn will do so.  Similarly, some of the worst teachers and administrators were made redundant, one way or the other, and were replaced.  I'd like to think that we  know more about training and making good teachers, too.

This leads me to the next point, which is...if Catholic schools don't do a better job of educating students (yeah, yeah, there are all sorts of other criteria, but if math and reading aren't at the top of the list, someone needs to be fired and flogged), why do we have them?  Back in the day we used to joke about finding dates for the priests, and while I suspect that danger has largely passed...well, I think part of the enrollment problem is that a lot of Catholic parents now simply won't subject their kids to the chance.  (Again, I am surprised by the reports of shenanigans back then, and how people reacted to it...)  Right now, it appears the rationale is to educate kids in a Catholic way, which is fine, but...we're not seeing results there, either; I mean, I don't exactly see the seminaries busting at the seams, not do I see parents and kids of the non-Catholic persuasion running to join the local RCIA program.  An important consideration up and down the board is of course revenue enhancement, but it would seem to be sinful, if you wish, to operate a school under false premises simply to boost the bottom line (and, it would seem that, given the rash of closures and consolidations lately, it's not doing that either)...

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Catching Up With Links!

Sorry for the delay -- hoops, dinner with a friend, PQ (fourth, we bled points all night, most sad), and a surprisingly busy weekend.  Alas, alack.  Now, with some time...well, I hope to get bed, if not before 10, by 11, though, of course, falling asleep is another story.

Surprised the Tribe swept the Rangers; good to see, though -- easier to win now than later, of course.  Francona seemed to put the B lineup out there/platoon people, but played to win late.  Almonte has had good ABs.  Brantley has looked fine.  Diaz has a quick swing, good to see...just wonder if it is a little long.  Bullpen has looked solid.  Michael Martinez is playing as little as possible, which is a useful development.

I am not quite sure this means all that much, of course, but...well, as I say, no likes to get primaried, and I suspect several GOPers are in that territory right now, for better or worse.

This article, to me, indicates one thing that not a lot of people are talking about, mainly because it is hard to prove -- the Susan Rice did what she did KNOWING she was protected by the statutes to engage in political-related shenanigans.  I realize Rice is toxic for GOPers, but the Obama Administration did that all the time, and no one got punished for maybe this would be a good time for the GOP to start...

Come to think of it, this would also be another good thing for the GOP to start talking about -- if not actually, you know, doing...

Saturday, April 01, 2017

Historic News

Well, history happened last nite...I got a new phone.  But, more importantly, UCONN lost...watched that game, and it was..well, impressive.  I mean, MSU Was up big in the first half, and I didn't think that situation would be the case the entire game...and it wasn't.  OT was pretty cool. even if they scored one hoop per minute...and a buzzer-beater, to boot.

I think these points are linked; you bring in immigrants to serve as low-cost labor, which not only suppresses wages but then makes the jobs lower in status; then, of course, something happens one way or the other, and you can't fill them.  To be sure, what the GOPers say about the welfare state is correct here -- if you make it too generous, you can't move people to work (also, said cost of welfare state drives up taxes!), but I don't think that alone is enough here.  To be sure, if the workers leave -- one way or another, to put it bluntly -- wages will HAVE to go up, and that should do the trick.  I realize this is asking a lot of the Administration, but someone -- state or locally, too -- should figure out a way to put people into training for these jobs...

I think this is largely true, but there are economies of scale here, and also, if people are moving to cities, well, then you will have to build large multiunit facilities there.  Some of this, I suspect, is also due to zoning and a desire (and I do not quite think it is an unfair one) to keep undesirables out.  That said, I look around here, you see all these lots zoned for commercial, or empty buildings, and you say...hmmm, why can't they put up some condos or a building there. I mean, the taxes might not be good for the city, but I would think in some ways it would be beneficial... place like Seven Hills, where the bulk of taxes are residential in origin...adding 100 residents (a bunch who are taxpayers) would seem to me to be...not unwise.