Sunday, January 31, 2016


Went to the Bomb Squad for brunch for a 30th bday celebration...I am not exactly sure that commemorating the air war and the deaths of thousands of Allied servicemen during the war is to gorge oneself into oblivion, but...there I was.  It was pretty good, albeit a bit pricey, and so much so that I skipped a trip to the gym and just took a long walk instead.  Not long enough, though..I had dinner at Mom's -- her beef stew was WAY too hot -- and I am sure how, but I got somewhat ill...better now, with walking and water and deep breaths and several trips to the bathroom, but...oi.  I do not think I should be doing this again for a LONG time.

Am reading The Betrayal, a more scholarly/less journalistic coverage of the Black Sox Scandal...the author goes at length to point out that while Eight Men Out is a good book, it was...well, not as rigorous with the facts as it could have been.  Hence, he is at pains to correct said deficiencies.  I also find it interesting that it was an open secret from during the games itself to when it finally came out; most people knew it was true or felt something was amiss, but for a bunch of reasons, didn't say so.  To be sure, Eight Men Out was written without the now-unveiled grand jury testimony, so we have a better record of what the players themselves said.  I don't think anything like this will happen now; the salaries are too high (I think moral discussions here would be ridiculous) and no one would want to give up a livelihood...

Friday, January 29, 2016


After yesterday's debate, the number went up.  Honestly...I didn't think he did that bad of a job, save for the FIRST MOMENT OF THE DEBATE when he went after Megyn Kelly.  Yes, her.  It made him Trumplike, and worse, it didn't help him. Oi.  For a debate master, these unforced errors...

I get a kick out of stuff like this, mainly because no one seems to mention that these were DEMOCRATS pulling the crap, and they pulled it for a 100 years; hell, some of them still pull it now, and no one calls them on it (save for me).  Oi.

I think I have a cold, or am coming down with one, or, more appropriately, got little sleep the last few days and thus am cold and have the upset stomach to match.  Ugh.  I was supposed to attend a soiree tomorrow, but due to sick kids it was called, and I am not that unhappy about it.  I might use the opportunity to get a little rest and watch some Mad Men...

Up to 398 on the films.  Watched "Futy," a Lang film from the 30s starring Spencer Tracy (man nearly lynched by vigilante mob seeks retribution) and "Garlic is a Good as Ten Mothers," a documentary about...garlic.  Sort of cute, actually.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


I've said this before, but the main problem is that NO politician can fix Atlantic City.  The town was founded on gambling at a time when there was really only one other place to gamble.. now, of course, I can gamble at three places within ten miles of my home.  Vegas has that problem, but they've been able to morph into Sin City, and, also, as a place to, you know, vacation.  For whatever reason -- and I suspect winter is the problem -- AC can't.  Oops.

I think this is largely correct; people hate Cruz not because of what he is, but because of what he might do...which might just be the sort of conservatism we want, like smaller government and pro-growth policies and such.  Much like Christianity has not been tried and found wanting but found to be difficult and left untried, the Establishment -- which does not have a record to boast of, if you get my drift -- prefers the same old.  Alas, alack.

I see the Tribe signed Josh Tomlin for two years.  I found this interesting, given that they now have six starters for five spots.  To be sure, Anderson has options, and a K rate of less than 4.5/nine, while Tomlin had 57 Ks on 65-2/3 IP.  Tomlin also gave up 13 HRs in that time (Anderson was 9/91ish).  I guess they are both somewhat fourth-starterish, and given the rotation depth, that is good, but I am not sure it is worth seeing it to 2017.  I also noted that my old fave Tim Lincecum is still unsigned.  There is no place for him here, and I suspect that a team looking for a fourth starter might be the spot, save for the fact that he wants front-rank pay.  I would have thought him a Pirate long ago -- replacing Burnett, taking advantage of Seerage and a pitcher-friendly park, but I suspect the Bucs see him as a rental, and he does not...

Monday, January 25, 2016


Long workout today, followed by Fun Run...and tomorrow is legs day.  Obviously, this was not one of my smarter scheduling days.

Anyways, I've been watching some films...up to 396.  "From Stump to Ship" was pretty interesting and cool; "The Tell-Tale Heart," an animated version of the Poe story voiced by James Mason, was also fairly interesting.  Some longer ones are in the cluster, so I suspect the climb to 400 will be proceeding at a less rapid pace...

I was watching the Sunday shows/reading the politics; one thing that got a lot of press was Robert Gates complaining about the GOP candidates and their bomb-them-back-to-the-Stone Age approach; basically, he was saying it was not the right approach and it was not the American way of war.  Maybe on one, but Gates should know better about the second point.  I mean, what was the point of the bomber offensive in World War 2...especially against Japan and the atomic bombs?  In Vietnam, of course, bombing -- at a pace that outpaced that of WW2 -- was generally done indiscriminately.  Hell, even during the "Shock and Awe" campaigns of the Gulf Wars, while we certainly tried to minimize civilian one, I think, doubts that collateral damage, if you will, was part of the plan.  I just wonder if the American people would really mind civilian casualties in the fight against ISIS, because, at the end of the day, they are furriners, you know...

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Went to beerfest yesterday.  It was fun; I was serving as DD and only had a couple of shots of hard cider (also, Mr. Fitbit is still on a fitness kick). some ways I wish I did drink more, as there would be more for me to enjoy, but I had an interesting food truck dish and had a good time.  Rah.  We also hiked over to City Tap to celebrate a 30th birthday; needless to say, we used Uber on the way back to the garage.

In consequence, I got home at 2:30, woke up at 8:45, and am deciding to stay in and NOT hit the gym.  I prolly should have, but it is cold and miserable and I am definitely feeling the lack of sleep for three days today.  I was worked hard Friday and felt that, too.  Stair laps will have to suffice.

One nice side benefit of all of this is that I was able to clear up the mess of paperwork floating around and move some crap piles into where they are supposed to go (mainly recycling but some trash).  Not exactly thrilling, but the place looks neater, and I might even be moved to conquer some slightly less-piddling project.  Rah!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Finally got the OC budget out, which should be lovely, given the fact that we need to scale back our spending (or boost revenues, which is unlikely) and people are hemming and hawing about it already...I do not like it, of course, but, as I pointed out, we have a budget and cannot go around it, so...alas.  I know we have a silent majority, but the next few days are going to be,,,charming.

How shall I say this....I don't think it is good for either one if Kasich wins; I mean, for what it's worth, Kasich is the Establishment in the race as much as Christie or Rubio.  All three of them are not perfect conservatives -- Kasich and Medicaid, Rubio on immigration, for instance -- but there is a calculation to be made that any of them are more electable than Trump or Cruz.  Rubio has obvious advantages, but I wonder if his long game approach might be hurting him; you just can't creep along in third place the entire time.  Give Kasich credit; he goes home if doesn't win (or at least claim one) in the Granite state.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weekend catch up

Went to Mass yesterday so I could sort of sleep in and do some stuff this AM...on the one hand, it is a bit more convenient, on the other hand, my day does feel a little discombobulated...

The Final 2015 stats for the OC:  5240 client visits, encompassing 2,224 seniors, 7,496 adults, and 5,023 children.  The budget for next year, I will get out to everyone over the week, which should be a joy of joys.

Two-thirds of the way through the Bill James Handbook, all sorts of interesting things -- Tomlin's age, declining velocity, and K-rates, for instance -- and I think I will keep it at the desk this year, just to handle any debates that may come up...

Watched "D.O.A." today.  Not very long, and quite good...I did look up "luminous poison" to be sure that it was accurate, and it was...the thing I found interesting is that even today, the plot isn't really that concerns the smuggling of nuclear materials and the efforts of a guilty party to stamp out the that would NEVER happen now.

Friday, January 15, 2016


Long time no blog -- National Champsionship, SOTU, watching of "The Heiress," and GOP Debate.  As for the last two, I rather liked the film; didn't think I would, but the acting was quite good and story was quite interesting.  The was entertaining.  I think we tend to forget that, that these things need to be, in addition to informative bloodsports.  Odd to see Cruz make a blunder, though I did like his Matt-like non-apology apology.

I find these articles amusing; probably true, but... you could get rid of the whole thing, or at least most of it; no one doubts it is difficult, but...for one thing, you could pare back Medicaid or make it more...that they have a skin in the game.  Then goes the mandate, and then goes the coverage.  I think people tend to forget that many GOPers don't really believe that you need to have insurance; anyone campaigning on the mantle of personal freedom would do well here.

I also get a kick out of these stories.  I mean, the Episcopalians...considering the origins of the sect, well, the irony is rich.  As for the other...could be me, but I've often noticed that it is the...right-of-center, hold-the-line types who tend to show up every Sunday and  do their...Fair Share.  So, when these people are told they're wrong or that all of their sacrifice (of whatever) isn't worth anything...they stay home, or worse, show up and do nothing more.  Oops.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Well, winter is back with a bang, isn't it?  To be sure, we cannot complain, given the weeks of basically extra spring.  It seems windy but not THAT snowy, so let us hope it continues just like that.

My evening plans were canceled, so I ended up staying in...I went to Mass at 5, so I awoke at...almost nine.  Whoa.  I mean, for me, that's an eternity; I think I got nine hours, and aside from the equilibrium of my Sunday being off...I do have a certain good feeling about this, for now.

Finished up the Paine book and started Paths of Glory:  The French Army, 1914-1918 today.  I cannot wait for the sequel, paths of surrender,,,snark.  Yes, I added this book to the list in 2014 for the centennial, and as you can see, I have so much to read...well, I get the feeling if I went after the lists and such exclusively, I could finish one...

Speaking of, I am 387 on the NFR...watched "Alien" yesterday.  Yes, I was really good.  Not that bloody, sort of like Halloween in that there was much less in the early iterations, I thought.  More was good.  Cool set, plot twists I didn't get, taut story.  I probably should concentrate on more flicks, but for now...I will get some reading in, if possible...and a certain TV show tonight.  Of course.

Saturday, January 09, 2016


You know, I really didn't have much to do today -- trip to the gym, shopping with Mom -- and now my evening plans are canceled, and honestly...I am pleased.  I can rest, read, maybe clean some segment of the house...awesome.  I've figured I've averaged less than six hours of sleep the past few days, so the prospect of getting seven or eight is pleasant, to say the least.

There has been a lot of stuff about this, and while some of them are a little out there...I think we tend to forget that for most of our nation's history...I, III, IV, and VII were, if not exactly codified...the way things were.  I suspect, of course, that what rankles people is the rise of administrative law and the administrative state, which is a court in and of itself, and one without say nothing of the vast mechanism of overpaid-yet-unelected staffers..which would go a slight way making II a reality.

Thursday, January 07, 2016


Long time no chat...first things first...we won Pub Quiz yesterday; it took some bonus points (we did earn them fair and square) so while I find THAT aspect unpleasant...a win is a win.  And, as only five of us made it...well, I rather like having some cash on hand.

They didn't mention the Benjamins, of course, but -- if you recall the losses from the PJPII Closure -- I can imagine they were running $100K a year per parish, and while those communities are somewhat more swank, well, no one is THAT swank.
This amuses me; I mean, there is something to be said for the fact that in some cases, people are only attracted to the same race (or gender, ha!)/body type/etc  Call it racism if you like, though I am not sure it is entirely that; the heart wants what it wants, whether we like it or not.  More seriously, to me, if you allow one group, you have to permit the other...any and all questions of ridiculousness aside.

Thankfully, those of you who know me are fully aware of my capacity for ridiculousness.

Monday, January 04, 2016


Downton.  The Final Season.  All I can say.  Ok, actually, the "full marriage" plotline was simply...hilarious, as was the part about the Dowager Countess ruling by fear.  I mean, I don't know; I guess the hackneyed twists are ok, but there are moments where you just have to snicker.

This could be me, but..wouldn't the ratings also be affected by the fact that you had 20 people around a set?  I mean, the party I was at had the game on -- not a lot of people were paying attention, mind you -- but I'd like to think that a bunch of them would have been watching had they been at home.  I agree, the idea was terrible, but...the money is good no matter what, so...

The Browns "saga" amuses me, not that I care, of course,  but the shits and giggles factor, the idiocy that would make even the Tribe front office blush, the where's Johnny routine,..  Everyone loves a trainwreck, of course, but this one simply takes the cake.