Saturday, January 23, 2016


Went to beerfest yesterday.  It was fun; I was serving as DD and only had a couple of shots of hard cider (also, Mr. Fitbit is still on a fitness kick). some ways I wish I did drink more, as there would be more for me to enjoy, but I had an interesting food truck dish and had a good time.  Rah.  We also hiked over to City Tap to celebrate a 30th birthday; needless to say, we used Uber on the way back to the garage.

In consequence, I got home at 2:30, woke up at 8:45, and am deciding to stay in and NOT hit the gym.  I prolly should have, but it is cold and miserable and I am definitely feeling the lack of sleep for three days today.  I was worked hard Friday and felt that, too.  Stair laps will have to suffice.

One nice side benefit of all of this is that I was able to clear up the mess of paperwork floating around and move some crap piles into where they are supposed to go (mainly recycling but some trash).  Not exactly thrilling, but the place looks neater, and I might even be moved to conquer some slightly less-piddling project.  Rah!


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