Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weekend catch up

Went to Mass yesterday so I could sort of sleep in and do some stuff this AM...on the one hand, it is a bit more convenient, on the other hand, my day does feel a little discombobulated...

The Final 2015 stats for the OC:  5240 client visits, encompassing 2,224 seniors, 7,496 adults, and 5,023 children.  The budget for next year, I will get out to everyone over the week, which should be a joy of joys.

Two-thirds of the way through the Bill James Handbook, all sorts of interesting things -- Tomlin's age, declining velocity, and K-rates, for instance -- and I think I will keep it at the desk this year, just to handle any debates that may come up...

Watched "D.O.A." today.  Not very long, and quite good...I did look up "luminous poison" to be sure that it was accurate, and it was...the thing I found interesting is that even today, the plot isn't really that concerns the smuggling of nuclear materials and the efforts of a guilty party to stamp out the that would NEVER happen now.


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