Saturday, December 19, 2015


Today, I did some things -- made a jello.  Went to the gym.  Did some more Xmas presents.  Completed some mail.  Updated the OC books.  Picked up some stuff, did some other things.  Rah.  Went to a brunch -- excellent grub as always.  Watched Duke lose, and, more surprisingly, OSU win.

I received a bottle of Nouveau Beaujolais, and had a glass yesterday -- not a fan of red, but the crappy red aftertaste is NOT there.  Funny; I know I was tired, but I was in bed by 10:30 last nite.  Didn't set the clock, and was up at...8:20 ish.  Whoa.  My host pointed out that for all my talk of sleeplessness, this seemed to do the trick...I had one today, and it isn't quite as potent...but after ten hours of sleep last nite...well, we will see.

My Mom sent me the Neighborhood News...the JPII Academy in Garfield Heights is closing...Enrollment went 250 at opening to 164 in the current year, and with the parish subsidies ending...  What really surprised me were the subsidies; the GH parishes do not seem to be Brecksville-ish in their finances, if you get my drift...for the the first seven years, they kicked in (total) $180K a year...followed by $120K and $100K.  Let's face it; that's a shitload of money, especially for some working class parishes.  I suspect, of course, that as African-American enrollment rose, white enrollment declined...and we all know that means.


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