Friday, January 15, 2016


Long time no blog -- National Champsionship, SOTU, watching of "The Heiress," and GOP Debate.  As for the last two, I rather liked the film; didn't think I would, but the acting was quite good and story was quite interesting.  The was entertaining.  I think we tend to forget that, that these things need to be, in addition to informative bloodsports.  Odd to see Cruz make a blunder, though I did like his Matt-like non-apology apology.

I find these articles amusing; probably true, but... you could get rid of the whole thing, or at least most of it; no one doubts it is difficult, but...for one thing, you could pare back Medicaid or make it more...that they have a skin in the game.  Then goes the mandate, and then goes the coverage.  I think people tend to forget that many GOPers don't really believe that you need to have insurance; anyone campaigning on the mantle of personal freedom would do well here.

I also get a kick out of these stories.  I mean, the Episcopalians...considering the origins of the sect, well, the irony is rich.  As for the other...could be me, but I've often noticed that it is the...right-of-center, hold-the-line types who tend to show up every Sunday and  do their...Fair Share.  So, when these people are told they're wrong or that all of their sacrifice (of whatever) isn't worth anything...they stay home, or worse, show up and do nothing more.  Oops.


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