Thursday, January 07, 2016


Long time no chat...first things first...we won Pub Quiz yesterday; it took some bonus points (we did earn them fair and square) so while I find THAT aspect unpleasant...a win is a win.  And, as only five of us made it...well, I rather like having some cash on hand.

They didn't mention the Benjamins, of course, but -- if you recall the losses from the PJPII Closure -- I can imagine they were running $100K a year per parish, and while those communities are somewhat more swank, well, no one is THAT swank.
This amuses me; I mean, there is something to be said for the fact that in some cases, people are only attracted to the same race (or gender, ha!)/body type/etc  Call it racism if you like, though I am not sure it is entirely that; the heart wants what it wants, whether we like it or not.  More seriously, to me, if you allow one group, you have to permit the other...any and all questions of ridiculousness aside.

Thankfully, those of you who know me are fully aware of my capacity for ridiculousness.


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