Monday, September 23, 2019

Catching Up

As always, it has been another busy week -- and weekend - and as such I have not been blogging... oi.  Events of the week include:

-- The Little Brown Jug - as always, the cousins and I went back to Delaware.  It was fun... I mean, I lost $20, spent another $40 on food and such, and got some sun... but it is always a good time, seeing some race horses and the whatnot.  And, I had the annual deep-fried Twinkie!

-- Watched two movies:  "On The Town." which is the 707th film I have seen on the MFL list... it was a musical, so let's leave it at that.  The other was "On Her Majesty's Secret Service," the George Lazenby James Bond film... and it was, well, good not great? I mean, it was just.. a bit clunky?  Hard to explain.  I don't think the action scenes were all that bad -- they were pretty good, and the plot wasn't too out of line (with the franchise), but... something seemed off?  Not sure.

Today I went out and saw "Downton Abbey" and it was...well, wonderful.  I mean, of course.  :)  I don't think we will see another, and that is fine... about the only thing I would have liked to see more of is Tom Barrow as the butler; it seemed like they invented a story twist so they could have him in the movie without having anything else...
I always say the way around this is to go and create your own markets!  I mean, really, if conservatives and Christians really wanted to make a point, they need to not only reject the culture that hates them but form new businesses that make money and spread/carry out their values.  I know it would be hard in some ways, ok most, but...

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Blown chances...and linx!

So, went to the ball game last nite  -rain out -- and then went to the day game today.  It was fun -- I think we all know I love pitching duels -- aside from the loss, of course.  This could be me, but... really, when they had runners on late, the batting choices (and I think they really weren't choices, if you get my drift) were... Greg Allen and Mike Freeman (against a lefty). Oi.  I listened to the post-game for a bit, and Francona did note that Allen had some success against Rogers, but... as I like to say, if you have to ask some questions, you already know the answer.

Also...maybe James Karinchak should have been used...earlier?  I mean, for all the good vibes around the return of Carlos Carrasco... he really hasn't pitched all that well, you know...
 Yes/no/maybe?  Two points the author seems to miss is 1) It is a job/career, if you will, that if you partake it, you could at least support yourself, and do so without incurring all of the debt of say, a four-year school; and 2) doesn't the young man in question bear some of the onus on this?  Dropping out of school, multiple families and relationships, if you will... all of that stuff is expensive, to put it mildly.

I don't know...maybe Warren was right the first time?  Let's face it; no one was prosecuted, no one went to prison, and simply put, a lot of people suffered far more heavily than those who were actually responsible for the financial meltdown.  I think we all can agree she is a bit ridiculous on a lot of things, but the general gist of her argument was correct, and it is also correct to see that it was the genesis of "drain the swamp" and "I alone can fix this."

This is...exactly right?  I mean, I print out paper tickets for every Tribe game -- the back is of course for scorekeeping -- and I always say that I miss the real ticket, because then you can of course say that you were there... I know you can capture the screen of course, but it is not quite the same...

Sunday, September 08, 2019


This is what I get for trying to be dilligent in blogging... not blogging.  Alas.   There was Pub Quiz (third, oi), work, and the usual stuff... alas.  In the meantime, the Tribe... well, I think they are done in the division, and the Wild Card is iffy at best.  I can't believe they keep running Hand out there; ok, I can, but..still it is a bit odd.  Not that the alternatives are better, but sometimes something new is good.
What??  I don't know...maybe?  I guess I remember a bunch of the bands and the songs of the era.  Hell, I have most of them on CD, which probably does date me a little...
This could be, but if I was confronted with angry teachers, I would say... "This is Obamacare.  This is what you and your union wanted and the candidate they supported.  You made your bed, you lie in it."  As I say at work, if I am paying for someone else's healthcare, I deserve to have a say in it...

 I always get a kick out of articles like this, since they assume that if everyone pays for something, it is cheaper... but that's not really true; I mean, look at the costs of public education in this country....