Saturday, September 14, 2019

Blown chances...and linx!

So, went to the ball game last nite  -rain out -- and then went to the day game today.  It was fun -- I think we all know I love pitching duels -- aside from the loss, of course.  This could be me, but... really, when they had runners on late, the batting choices (and I think they really weren't choices, if you get my drift) were... Greg Allen and Mike Freeman (against a lefty). Oi.  I listened to the post-game for a bit, and Francona did note that Allen had some success against Rogers, but... as I like to say, if you have to ask some questions, you already know the answer.

Also...maybe James Karinchak should have been used...earlier?  I mean, for all the good vibes around the return of Carlos Carrasco... he really hasn't pitched all that well, you know...
 Yes/no/maybe?  Two points the author seems to miss is 1) It is a job/career, if you will, that if you partake it, you could at least support yourself, and do so without incurring all of the debt of say, a four-year school; and 2) doesn't the young man in question bear some of the onus on this?  Dropping out of school, multiple families and relationships, if you will... all of that stuff is expensive, to put it mildly.

I don't know...maybe Warren was right the first time?  Let's face it; no one was prosecuted, no one went to prison, and simply put, a lot of people suffered far more heavily than those who were actually responsible for the financial meltdown.  I think we all can agree she is a bit ridiculous on a lot of things, but the general gist of her argument was correct, and it is also correct to see that it was the genesis of "drain the swamp" and "I alone can fix this."

This is...exactly right?  I mean, I print out paper tickets for every Tribe game -- the back is of course for scorekeeping -- and I always say that I miss the real ticket, because then you can of course say that you were there... I know you can capture the screen of course, but it is not quite the same...


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