Sunday, August 11, 2019

Roller Coaster

Well, that Tribe game was...interesting?  I mean, watching them blow the lead, then oput the game into extras, and then... well, I was surprised, to put it mildly.  I thought the bullpen machinations were a little much, especially as you could have used those relievers again, some of them (Cimber, for instance) but... I will take the tie now.

In other news...I don't really care that Epstein hung himself; I mean, on the one hand, I wanted a trial; on the other...well, it is cost-effective, and he deserved it, so....  Also, this could be me, but...I never really liked Toni Morrison's works.  I read Beloved, I read Sula, and I can't recall the last one I sat through, but...  oi.  For a while, I didn't read any more, and it was all due to her, or her crappy books.

 I don't know...maybe?  I think we all know the type of person that Tracy Flick represented, of course, and that is part of the problem... I call this person Lilith nowadays, on a way, but I think most men (or people) have come across her and go...oi.


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