Saturday, July 20, 2019


This is an improvement over my current pace, at the very least... but again, another busy week of work, family stuff, and a Tribe game, as I am now the proud owner of a Trevor Bauer bobblehead.  The team has been on a tear, which is good... on the other hand, beating Detroit and KC is like hunting dairy cattle, so why this is an improvement of sorts...

One bad thing about this recent stretch of busy-crap is that I've been behind on reading the stuff I normally read -- blogs, sports and baseball stuff, etc.-- so now I have to do it all at once.  It's not bad per se, but some things are better enjoyed in small bunches...  The funny thing is... well, soon I will be even busier, God help me, and then I will be at a total loss...
to me, this should a relatively easy fix; you just make it so that people can't use SNAP to buy certain-- i.e., unhealthy - foods.  There is an even a conservative case to be made for it; namely, if I am paying the bill...I get to decide what is on your menu... to say nothing of the health benefits and long-term cost savings.


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