Tuesday, July 29, 2014



Well, duh, maybe because they can make the same, if not more, money by bringing a team to Columbus.  To say nothing of the fact that everyone stays in Columbus and spends their money there and not somewhere else.  Maybe this is me, but...I'd like to think that anyone else could see this...why the hell can't a newspaper reporter?


I had to chuckle over this one...especially the part about "We from Harvard."

I guess this isn't really a surprise, either...I mean, the casino industry has simply exploded in this country, and amidst all of this hope and charge...well, while the gambling industry is lucky to have a large cadre of stupid people to support them, they too will eventually run out of money.  And, a lot of these people don't have much to begin with.  So stuff like this happens...people have been complaining about the tighter slots for a while, but still they go...and the table games will go the same path.
With today's game going the way it is and King Felix tomorrow...I think the Tribe will be sellers tomorrow.  It means they will not compete, of course...but if they can get rid of Cabrera and Masterson -- ha!-- it would be a case of addition by subtraction.  I for one cannot see much of a return for either, but being rid of them would be ideal...Aviles or even better Ramirez would take over at SS, and while I do not have a lot of love for Tomlin or McAllister, they would at least do the same as Masterson ($100 million, eh?) for much less cost...which is almost as nice.

Friday, July 25, 2014


So, I stayed up to watch ALL of the game last nite; it was not that bad...value-added baseball.  :)  More seriously...well, just think:  we will have all of NEXT year to wathc Ryan Raburn, too. 


Aside from the snarkery that accompanies this...I wonder if the GOP isn't setting themselves up for a fall again.  I think we all could argue (well, maybe not now) the intent of the legislature, and I have trouble seeing them throwing out the exchanges over this.  Well, I have trouble seeing Kennedy doing it, and I could see Roberts going off and doing something to minimize it, but...

Oi...one thing I do NOT like about Francona is the bunting...In Wednesday's game he did it twice -- not needed -- and yesterday and today he is doing it again.  I mean, yes, you can get A run, but...I think you have to let them swing the bats once in a while.  Especially that in this day and age, with the shifts and the power arms and the plethora of Ks, playing for one run is not that successful; I mean, there is a time you HAVE to do it and you do, but the rest....oi.

Thursday, July 24, 2014



This could be me, but this seems like Monday morning QBing to me...I mean, I haven't been to that many country concerts, but I have yet to be at a summer show where there were not large quantities of completely inebriated people (ok, not Jewel, but you get my drift).  I am not denying that this was a tragedy, but...let's face it, getting completely shitfaced means you will be more likely to do stupid things.  I know I am Mr. Personal responsibility, but...

Work...corrections came back today.  Should be done by Monday, not sure on the full scope.  Hopefully, there will be no number crises, and this thing can be finally put to bed.

Kluber was pretty electric; it was hard not to think of what was going on, and it finally ended...which was prolly good, as the sports guys needed to talk about something.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014



I get a kick out of articles like this, mainly because...well, as so many people say above...learn to bunt or hit the other way...I mean, I've seen Santana lay down bunts and force the defense to readjust, and if Carlos can drop one...so can a lot of other guys.

We were discussing at work the article in the PD how Lindor had better be ready, because one way or another, Asdrubal is gone.  Now, I don't think Lindor is ready, but that is what Aviles is for.  More to the point, this problem is entirely self-created by the Tribe.  If you think about it, they were SOOO convinced that Peralta was a bad SS -- range factors to the contrary -- that they moved him to 3B and then traded him...and took Asdrubal from 2b -- where he was fine -- to SS, where he was stretched a few years ago...  Of course, this meant they needed a 2B, and this meant that Kipnis -- a LF by trade -- had to spend time and effort learning 2B.  Thus, Brantley -- perfectly fine in center -- had to become a LF, which created a gap in CF that could NOT be filled by throwing money at Bourn.  I realize this is a stretch, and yes, it might not have worked out this way, but as is so often the case in life, people in trying to solve a problem end up creating a greater one.  And they're Ivy Leaguers, to boot.  :)

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Sort of sucks; the Tribe wins 3 of 4, but they can only move up one game on the Tigers.  Course, if they keep winning three of four all the rest of the way...well, it's nice to dream.  :)

So, I woke up this morning and both of my eyes were sore and inflamed...happens from time to time.  I put drops in the more severely sore one this AM, and it cleared up.  The other was ok...so, I decided to try and take a nap this afternoon.  I actually did -- two sweet hours of sleep -- but when I woke up, the other eye felt even worse.  I applied some drops, and it is better, but Lord, it is no fun.  I can read and mainly see, though.  Obviously, I should have slept through til morning.

My plan/hope for the week is to get the project of death done at work, which can give me some respite...the next one should be easier to handle, and I think I can get it done quickly, so the schedule won't be further messed up.  The way things have been lately, a quiet week or two would be heavenly.  Thus, I expect another week of chaos.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Went to bed early...after the Tribe game last nite.  I am still tired now, mainly due to an attack of low blookd sugar, which has now caused a rebound.  So a double grr...  I don't know if I will ever feel rested...not for a while I suspect. 

So, I noticed a new house problem; namely, there was a puddle of water under the kitchen sink (in the cabinet).  I cleaned it up -- most of it, as I ran out of towels -- and applied a generous helping of spray bleach cleaner to the surface.  Oi.  I need to buy some more cleaning supplies and will remove the rest of it tomorrow or Monday.  This will require a plumber and some MORE expense.  I know it is part of the home-ownership process, but...oi.

That Tribe game was most impressive, as I thought -- like everyone else -- that they were dead.  Swisher and his taking strkes count is growing stale, but at least he is hitting over .200 again.  Raburn also had two nice hits; the only thing I worry about is using Allen for 24 pitches; I know you don't want to sit a guy without pitching him, but as there are TEN relievers on this team, I think you could done it this one time, especially with the DH today.

In other news, the house is fairly clean...I vacuumed, washed the rugs, swept and cleaned the kitchen floor, and dusted a couple of rooms.  The bathroom I have left undone, largely, but it is in fairly good shape.  I even did the bedroom and the spare rooms, which makes me feel as if I have actually accomplished something.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


All I can say about work is that I have survived, and God willing, we will make it through. In the meantime, I've decided that I need to clean the house again.  Not that I want to, of course, but the floors could be washed and vacuumed, etc.  I can see why people don't do it, but as with so many other things, doing a little every day is a hell of a lot smarter than not doing it at all...until you have to.

The OC and its June stats:
466 households, encompassing 215 seniors, 633 adults, and 520 kids.


I think this article is exactly right, but there are two reasons why it wouldn't happen...first, the theories that Harding backed are out of favor.  I of course think it is unwise, but the libtards -- not that I blame them -- will want to smack down any hint of "what worked before can work now."

A more serious reason, of course, is that we would have to put Woodrow Wilson closer to the shitter, which is prolly true, given what we know now, but...given his views (save for race, which, like Dems and gay marriage, can be conveniently ignored) on the size of government, the role, the "experts" to run things...hell, even the League of Nations...well, he was their guy, and never mind that it didn't work and Harding had to undo it all...  say what you want about the Dems, but unlike us, they really don't go after their own.

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Long time no write...work has been a drive, and this weekend, when not doing things, I mainly slept and tried to catch up.  I think that will be the story of the rest of the week, although the ASG is Tuesday, so I can definitely watch that...I do rather like the pageantry.

Went to the Tribe game Thursday; I thought they were done, but they came back to win...I still don't think this is a playoff team -- too many holes -- but they have to be pleased with the job Bauer has done.  I would argue maturity and proper AAA seasoning, but what do I know?  McAllister was ok; if they can get Salazar back on track, that would be something.

Weighed in at 172 today...I sort of think that is perfect, but if I could take a couple more, it would be ideal.

Wednesday, July 09, 2014


Vslue-added baseball at the Jake tonite, and here I am, watching it.  :)  After the Masterson debacle...Bauer really looked good Tuesday -- got better as the night went on -- and while Tomlin is the fifth starter, he didn't pitch poorly, either.  I mean, got his seven innings, didn't walk anyone -- moon shots excepted -- and kept them around.  Swisher, in the meantime, looks like a lost cause.  I never thought that the Bourn signing would be the better choice...what do I know?  Well, not to send my kids to Princeton, for sure.

Work took a giant step back today, with the combination of man not serving two masters and the old favorite du jour, it would have been nice to have been told this sooner.  Argh.  Somehow, I will survive, but I do not think it will be for long.

I was surprised to see Ctown get the RNC; I bet John Kasich is creaming his pants over this.  I mean, he has to win in 2014, but I think it is doable...which means that if he can survive controversy and catastrophe, being the governor of a purple, must-win state can't hurt.  I suspect the GOP base is to the right of him, so he will have some work to do, but we could do worse than nominate the Paul Ryan of the 1990s.

Monday, July 07, 2014


They won't mention this at any tomorrow, but if you think about it, Francona could be the reason the Tribe loses tonite...assuming we get some runs.  I cannot imagine ANYONE running out Masterson BACK for the 3rd when he was obviously all over the place -- and hittable when over the plate.  But Terry did, the first two got on, and then he went to Crockett, who put the runs in...but wouldn't it have been better to have brought Kyle out to start the 3rd?  A clean slate?  I mean, really...it is one thing to have faith in a guy, but...given the pen is rested today, why not use them...and you have EIGHT relievers, for Christ's sake.

In the meantime, Carrasco had a nice bit of work -- again -- which is even more damning of the brain trust.  The Princeton-educated brain trust.

I finished up the Lardner stuff -- it was pretty droll -- and next on the list is The Satyricon, which we will read and none of the peanut gallery will make ANY comment about.

I watched "Days of Heaven" yesterday.  Odd film.  The cinematography IS awesome, but the rest of it...well, it is interesting, I will give you that, but I am not sure if it is a good film, story-wise...

Saturday, July 05, 2014


I lke the first trade of the year -- the A's raiding the Cubs' rotation for a bunch of reasons.  First, taking guys from Wrigley to the Coliseum is always good, and these guys are strikeout guys, to boot, which only makes it better.  I don't think the Cubs got anything that valuable -- at least now -- but they got some useful parts for the future (I am skeptical of the A's trading prospects, like the Braves and pitchers).  Three...and no one seems to be saying this...but if the A's got these guys, no one else can, useful in that division, to say nothing of October.  While our Tribe is flustering about...good to know someone out there is trying to win a game.

Didn't do much yesterday...ok, I went for a run with the boys and then slept, and slept some more.  Watching a movie, caught up on reading -- I have been trying to put a big dent in Lardner -- and caught up on some other things I need to do.  I hate to say this, but with everything in the past month, sleep seems to be the best thing that can be done.

Tuesday, July 01, 2014



I have read this a few times, and I cannot fathom how this is a bad thing...

The Tribe has played two games in two days and gotten two hits.  Lovely.  I don't really see a hope of the playoffs here, do you?  At least you get to hear Vin Scully call a game, which is pretty awesome.

My weekend was fine, aside from the lack of sleep, and last nite was the same issue.  I really felt it today, so much so I am definitely going to bed at 10.  It will affect my Lardner reading -- and parts of his oeuvre are really quite droll -- but we need the sleep.  Part of the problem, I suspect, was that I was hanging out with friends yesterday, and between the pad Thai and the sushi and the hanging out, my stomach was not a happy camper.  It was good, but I think it was sushi without real and heavy food, I am sad to say.

One thing I've noted lately is the sheer quantity of stuff in the mailbox...and how little of it really is important or requires any sort of handling.  I can see how the post office is in a spiral, which is sad, given that it is constitutional and sort of works...