Tuesday, July 29, 2014



Well, duh, maybe because they can make the same, if not more, money by bringing a team to Columbus.  To say nothing of the fact that everyone stays in Columbus and spends their money there and not somewhere else.  Maybe this is me, but...I'd like to think that anyone else could see this...why the hell can't a newspaper reporter?


I had to chuckle over this one...especially the part about "We from Harvard."

I guess this isn't really a surprise, either...I mean, the casino industry has simply exploded in this country, and amidst all of this hope and charge...well, while the gambling industry is lucky to have a large cadre of stupid people to support them, they too will eventually run out of money.  And, a lot of these people don't have much to begin with.  So stuff like this happens...people have been complaining about the tighter slots for a while, but still they go...and the table games will go the same path.
With today's game going the way it is and King Felix tomorrow...I think the Tribe will be sellers tomorrow.  It means they will not compete, of course...but if they can get rid of Cabrera and Masterson -- ha!-- it would be a case of addition by subtraction.  I for one cannot see much of a return for either, but being rid of them would be ideal...Aviles or even better Ramirez would take over at SS, and while I do not have a lot of love for Tomlin or McAllister, they would at least do the same as Masterson ($100 million, eh?) for much less cost...which is almost as nice.


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