Sunday, July 20, 2014


Sort of sucks; the Tribe wins 3 of 4, but they can only move up one game on the Tigers.  Course, if they keep winning three of four all the rest of the way...well, it's nice to dream.  :)

So, I woke up this morning and both of my eyes were sore and inflamed...happens from time to time.  I put drops in the more severely sore one this AM, and it cleared up.  The other was, I decided to try and take a nap this afternoon.  I actually did -- two sweet hours of sleep -- but when I woke up, the other eye felt even worse.  I applied some drops, and it is better, but Lord, it is no fun.  I can read and mainly see, though.  Obviously, I should have slept through til morning.

My plan/hope for the week is to get the project of death done at work, which can give me some respite...the next one should be easier to handle, and I think I can get it done quickly, so the schedule won't be further messed up.  The way things have been lately, a quiet week or two would be heavenly.  Thus, I expect another week of chaos.


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