Saturday, July 05, 2014


I lke the first trade of the year -- the A's raiding the Cubs' rotation for a bunch of reasons.  First, taking guys from Wrigley to the Coliseum is always good, and these guys are strikeout guys, to boot, which only makes it better.  I don't think the Cubs got anything that valuable -- at least now -- but they got some useful parts for the future (I am skeptical of the A's trading prospects, like the Braves and pitchers).  Three...and no one seems to be saying this...but if the A's got these guys, no one else can, useful in that division, to say nothing of October.  While our Tribe is flustering about...good to know someone out there is trying to win a game.

Didn't do much yesterday...ok, I went for a run with the boys and then slept, and slept some more.  Watching a movie, caught up on reading -- I have been trying to put a big dent in Lardner -- and caught up on some other things I need to do.  I hate to say this, but with everything in the past month, sleep seems to be the best thing that can be done.


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