Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Well, yet another fascinating Tribe game... at least Carrasco will be coming back, which is nice, not that he will solve any particular problem (Tomlin isn't going anywhere yet, and the offense and its struggles against decent teams...).  Still, the return of the #2 starter bodes well...


It could be on purpose, but I suspect it is more unintentional; much as an infinite number of monkeys typing on an infinite number of typewriters will produce Hamlet, the more idiots/people who don't understand markets running around planning things bodes poorly.


This could be me, but...one, the hoops isn't as good or exciting as the men's game, which doesn't help, and two...women don't really watch the WNBA, either; I mean, if they really cared, they'd go and support the teams, right?  Hell...they don't even watch.  Myself, I hit at least six Tribe games (more if possible) a year and watch...more than 100 games, at least.  In the college game (where it would be less costly to go to games), it is even worse...

I watched "Midway" yesterday...one thing that struck me...a what if:  Yamamoto, knowing he had no air cover, decided that his large fleet could handle however many planes the US had left (let's face it, all of the torpedo planes were gone, as was one carrier) and just sailed on and tried to take Midway.  I mean, he had, what..10 battleships and accompanying ships?  If memory serves me, it was prolly a couple of hundred, with 100 or so being warships.  Not saying it could have worked, but after a while...the US would not have had any planes left...

Monday, May 30, 2016

Weekend prolonged

Well, that was a fun Tribe game...you know, for all of the complaints about attendance...well, losing 3 of 4 at home, and in the way they have (two close ones and a blowout)...well, which is worse, I guess.

I ended up enjoying the extended weekend; went to the gym every day (and am feeling it, but I am slowly adding some weight to the lifting, so that is good), hit the Greek Fest in Tremont and the Blossom Festival in Chagrin (I had never seen the falls, you know) and some QFT.  Read a book and started the next version of Inspector Morse...also re-started on some projects I had put off.

I also listened to some of the CDs in the case...I think I hit every classic 90s band (such as Counting Crows) which made me feel very...old.  And with certain events coming up...it didn't help.

Friday, May 27, 2016


I came this close to putting the AC on today; I guess I will have to crack and do it tomorrow.  Alas.  The biggest crack of the day, honestly, was when I came upon a fawn in my pachysandra while weed-whacking; I was not expecting Baby Bambi snoozing there, but it was sort of cute to see...

I decided to catch up on some film action and watch some shorts...well, two so far (I am also reading); one was "The House I Live In," Sinatra's 1945 tolerance PR piece, and "The House in the Middle," which warned of the dangers of not keeping up your house by subjecting houses to atomic explosions... I have to admit, I thought it was an ad for a paint company, and sure enough, it was...the thought also crossed my mind that these paints were prolly lead-based, which have caused an explosion of their own...

Speaking of explosions, Francona sent out McAllister to pitch and he got rocked; honestly, he is not the same this year; he's a one-trick pony (I've said this before) and now this trick isn't particularly effective.  There is NO way he should be in any remotely close game; Manship (who is suffering from a case of regression, nothing else) is the better choice...I know with Joba out the middle guys are in flux, but...

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Three more down

I have to admit, this the first truly warm day we've had...all year.  Not much breeze through the open window, though I will survive.  It does feel sort of nice, given that it is almost Memorial Day weekend...

I need to see this!


I think this is coming (an article on soon-to-be-bankrupted Gawker has more on the ramifications) sooner than we think, especially with the Fight for 15 stuff; on the one hand, these are...marginal jobs, if you will, and we can survive.  On the other hand..people rely on them for extra cash, real work, a way to get welfare benefits...if they disappear, what WILL happen to them?  For all the talk of spending on infrastructure, the idea of a CCC-style program...well, it will never fly, and the same people fighting for $15 are the cause...

Watched some films...yesterday was "Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter" (quite good; fairly amusing, too, after watching "Mad Men") and "The Dragon Painter" (silent film, 1919, mainly Asian cast).  Tuesday was "The Hospital," a George C. Scott get up on modern medicine in 1971.  It was ok...but I was impressed with how...well, it's held up -- people sicker than ever, minority complaints about healthcare, too much concern for the bills.. all there.

Monday, May 23, 2016


So, anyone think that Cody Anderson would have lasted seven innings tonight...much less good ones? Nope, me neither.  Impressive; sucked about the first game, but...at least the Tribe is hitting, more than they did in Boston...which, if you think about it, would have been a good sign, taking two of three.  Alas.

I read Deliverance yesterday -- it took me a day to do it...really, wasn't that long, and...well, it was..good.  I mean, I knew what happened, but the book..started out quite differently, a good pace, and then the story...well, it was tautly written.  I mean, passages of it -- well, I am just saying that I read the book because it was on the list and I soon realized it was...well, worth reading on its own.  I am glad I did.  Lord of the Flies is next, I think; I've read it, it's been a while, but I think I remember enough, so I am passing it.  A Graham Greene novel is next, but as I have a full shelf...I will wait a bit before I place the order.

Watched "Laura" Sunday...good.  Film noir, 1944...well-acted, interesting story, 85 minutes..I sort of like them, you have to really watch, as the camera work often betrays...faces, if you will.

Went to Northfield Park Saturday; the Battle of Lake Erie was there, and the horse that won the Jug was running...and won; it had the rail.  As my dad used to say, there was two minutes of looking at assholes for the other horses, which was exactly how it went.  I broke even with ALL expenses (I won two races early) but the best part was that I...really enjoyed myself, just getting away, seeing the ponies, and doing adult stuff, if you will.  Not saying I will do this every weekend, but...

I also -- due to some intensive walking -- hit 20K on steps Saturday and Sunday.  I am feeling it today..but I guess it was worth it.

Saturday, May 21, 2016


All sorts of talk about the Tribe and its win streak.  To be sure, sweeping the Reds is no big thing, though the one game they could have lost.  On the other hand, you have to beat the Reds and teams like them to contend.  I suspect will get better once Carrasco returns, which is good, as the White Sox have two top starters, and we will need them as well...

30 pages of the Civil War book to go, and off to the fiction list...not that I am all that excited about it, but I started something, may as well finish it...

Hit the gym this AM; hard, too.  I've been adding some weight to my efforts and have been slowly extending the scope and amount of cardio; not that I sense my body being more manly, but there is an improvement in what I can lift.  The next big thing is to eat a little better and keep the weight at 170.  There really isn't a reason why I cannot put more steps in, being Mr. Fitbit, and doing some more evening exercises -- squats and planks -- just to get the blood moving, either.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


As you can see, Mr. Blogger is...well, not blogging much.  Tonight I cannot sleep and am watching the Tribe.

Went to Alma, Michigan this past weekend to see Favorite Niece play softball; made the Tourney, didn't win out, and the season and career are over.  Very sad.  I will miss it, even if I could do without the inane chants, the bunts...etc.

Work has been...blah.  Not much guidance, things in the air...I know it is a time of transition, but...things are unsettled.  Top it off, all sorts of computer issues -- new server-related -- which do not exactly boost productivity or morale.  Oi.

Been doing some reading -- mainly books about war and some of the Inspector Morse series.  I have Deliverance by Dickey next in the queue, so I can start the fiction list again (not that I have any great desire to read the thing).

Dan Otero is in the game for the Tribe to get the save; I only mention this because they sent down Naquin again today, and while in some ways I get it -- he should play every day, and if not, he should go -- but I really don't think the future of Naquin with the ballclub should rest upon the roster status of Dan Otero, for Christ's sake.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


It's been a week; survived most of what threw me, a marathon Tribe loss, and a period of sustained sleeplessness...to say nothing of some issues regarding some of the boys in the Fun Run Bunch, which meant I got to double as fount of advice and wisdom (which, if you think about it, is generally a bad idea).

I've decided to declare TODAY as the nadir, if you will (not that it was all that bad); from now on, it's all better, or at least not so crappy.  Tomorrow is another day, and it is going to be better.  False optimism, but...

Also, it's a month from my bday, so...there went that.  :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Mr. Blog everyday was on vacation...sort of.  Work has been (and will be busy).  Second-place PQ finish on Wednesday.  TV...and I watched "Dodsworth" yesterday (it was better than the Kluber start, sad to say).  It was...amazingly good; excellent script, and the acting...I don't know, one of the best films I've seen where the faces and the gestures said MORE than the words.  I mean, for all the clunkers I have seen, it is good to see a film...that I might not have known about otherwise.

The April OC report:
403 client visits totaling 186 seniors, 316 kids, 565 adults...rah.  I suspect the weather had something to do with it -- cold and rainy the ONE weekend I was there.  We did clean the freezers out, though...always nice.

I have to admit, the idea of voting for President Trump makes liberals pretty...unhinged (moreso than usual), and that makes me...feel a hell of a lot better about supporting the guy.  I told one coworker I was going to rename the Cruzmobile the Trump Truck and paint it orange...that went well.  :)

Good to see Bauer do well tonight, especially given the Houston offense; I don't think we can expect this ALL the time, but if it happens half of the time or so...well, Anderson might get to really like Columbus.

Monday, May 02, 2016


I have to admit, the story about the Westlake teachers going on strike -- if true -- is pretty...well, they've got brass ones out there.  Between the high salaries, the students they teach, and the fact that they've voted down three elections...to say nothing of the example of the Strongsville strike...well, maybe, just maybe, the Westlake BOE should let them and see what happens.

In other news, Favorite Niece's softball team -- aided by the misadventures of other teams in the conference -- made the playoffs as the final seed.  It took a win today (which they tried to avoid doing) to make it, but they did, and that is all that matters.  For now, at least.

Finished up the Nazi Germany book yesterday and moved on to The History of E=mc2 (can't find superscript), which is something completely different.  I just started it, though it interesting so far -- the useful bits of science, anecdote, and the development of a fairly complex concept, to say the least.