Saturday, May 30, 2015


The morning chores and errands are done, so what is left but to blog, read, catch up on thing should be sleep; rough workouts and not much shuteye has me beat lately.  Not sure about the general restlessness; I've tried to keep the late nights to a minimum.  At least the thing on the lip is gone (as far as I can tell), though I suspect it will return with a festering vengeance.  I don't think our sort-of-recent heat wave has helped, either, given that I always seem to suffer from the first burst.

I am reading City of Nets; it is a book about the Hollywood of the 40s; somewhat chrologically organized, but not terribly so.  Interesting but not systemic, very gossipy and chatty...I like it, one does learn from these things, but I think I prefer something a little more...just the facts, ma'am, if you will.


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