Saturday, July 20, 2013


I read the President's comments, and while I thought they were nice, and somewhat personal...well, so what?  I mean, I guess I am skeptical...for one thing, as he pointed out, that as long as African-Americans (and I am NOT ignoring the reasons why) account for a large share (and disproportionately so) of the criminal justice system...well, you're not going to get rid of white fear, etc... Just ask the people in the People's Socialist Republic of Cleveland Heights, for instance.  And, it's not the President has done anything to end the war on drugs; even the simple expedient of decriminalizing pot (mind you, I am not a fan, but we have to be objective here) is a no-go, to say nothing of the federalism issues, which, of course, the government sees fit to ignore.  Until we find a way to stop criminalizing and imprisoning young African-Americans, this problem will not go away.

In happier news, Helen Thomas is dead.  I never liked her, and it was a shame she wasn't unveiled as a bigot and asshole until late in the game, but...

Went bowling last nite for the first time in years...I broke 100 in both games.  Mission Accomplished, baby!  More seriously, it is a shame I never did more of it as a child; I mean, bowling is the sort of thing that, with enough practice and skill, one can become fairly proficient at it.  I guess I could start up at it now, but the few bad habits I have are prolly to ingrained to get rid of.


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