Thursday, August 08, 2013


Oh, the week I have had...

First and worst, we lost PQ last nite, coming in fourth.  Team XI had rough rounds -- bad movie sequels and the missing link, among them.  Alas.  It does happen, but one does not like it, and I feel it.  Deeply.  Also Wednesday nite, I noted a pile of crud in the cabinet under the sink; I guess there is a leak there, and there has been one for some time.  Ugh.  I will have to clean it out before calling in the plumber; not the first on the list of priorities, but so be it.  I am seeing some ants, but not a lot, hence the need to put traps in the cabinet.  I washed down the sink and countertops with vinegar, and one sees them little now... so far so good.

The Tribe is taking it like an altar boy; I think we all know the Tigers are better, but this is a little much.  Alas. 

Also, I went to my car to get something, and lo and behold...the tailpipe was a half-inch off the ground.  Grr.  Thanx to the wonders of the Internet, I figured it how to attach a coat hanger to the thing, and made it to the auto shop, where one hopes this will be an inexpensive repair.  Again, not quite in the budget, does what one must.  And, work has been busy and will remain so until next week.  Late next week.



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