Thursday, July 25, 2013


So, I walked into the kitchen, and... I saw ants.  Every year, of course, for a week or so, Chateau Mattie is attacked by ants.  It's an older house, not properly sealed, so they find a way in (course, they would even if it was).  Matthew views this with even more than his typical paranoia, and attacks.  The first are repelled with physical force, with chemical weapons to come.  I should accept this as one of the glories of summer, but now I feel like scrubbing every surface in the house (which is clean) and then laying down traps, repellents, and enough DDT to kill a small planet.  Alas.

This is interesting...for one thing, give the Governor credit:  He is able to point out that high tax rates suppress revenues, in that people simply move to states where income taxes are less (or non-existent).  Implicit in this of course is that people who have high incomes have more disposable income to spend -- boosting economic growth -- and also most likely to invest in such things as land, real estate, and businesses, which create jobs.  Indeed, being next to New Hampshire is quite the unfortunate thing, as it provides a ready example of the evils and dangers of high taxation....


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