Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wholesome foods


I think a lot of you know that I am highly skeptical of organic farming, community gardens, etc... ok, I think they are good and noble, but I think they are really ways for the upper middle class types to stratify themselves in their cliques -- such as by eating organic veggies -- and casting aspersions on those who just want normal foods.  This IS a problem in the Social Justice world, because people just don't eat veggies, and I don't care HOW many people say it isn't so...it really is.  One reason conveniently NOT mentioned is that for a lot of people, veggies seem to be more expensive; part of it is they are too lazy/busy to cook, and part of it is...well, my clients at the OC watch a LOT of TV, and if you see enough ads and news reports...you get my drift.


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