Saturday, July 27, 2013

To be home

Today was quite the day...I woke up early because I wanted to clean the floor and clean out a cupboard.  Then it was off to a meeting for social justice -- the voices of the poor, which I can summarize a hell of a lot better than anyone else -- followed by the dropping off of crap, lunch with the family for the b-i-law's bday, and then off to do some shopping (ant traps, set!) and now I am finally home.  I put the TV on, and the WNBA was on, so, this is what you get for coming home and watching television.  I have been in a clutter-cleaning mood, so I may handle a closet.  Tonite I am home, as I am beat and I slept poorly last nite.  I am not complaining....

I am not surprised this is legal, but one would think somewhere, someone, would start passing laws to fix this.

I am reading Glattahar's General Lee's Army:  From Victory to Collapse and just got through Gettysburg.  Interesting; one chapter is a chronological, barebones approach to the war, the next is an in-depth look at one or two facets of the war -- religion, the home front, etc.  Interesting; not learning quite a bit, but still something, and it is not a slow read, either, which good.  Some wiseasses will of course say it is because we know how it turns out...


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