Sunday, February 16, 2014


Smartly done.

I made a trip Thursday -- at the buttcrack of dawn -- to the new SVDP pantry at Woodland, where I met the operations manager and then went to the Greater Cleveland Food Pantry, where I observed the pluses and minuses of food pickups there; the fact of the matter is, costs are going up for us, and if someone could get the stuff directly, it would save us the middleman.  Of course, therein lies the problem; most of the volunteers who could have to work (like me) and those who can don't want to (for a variety of completely acceptable reasons).  We also had a bs session (issues of our duties) and then I got to see the new warehouse area we have.  It looks exceptionally suitable for industrial music videos and porn, but the price was right, and I have no doubt our food pantry can use it.  I learned a lot, and I think we can gain much from some of the new things...but our cash is going to be a problem the whole way out.  OC duty has been slow this month -- the weather is awful -- which sort of helps.  The clothing room is a mess as well -- too much in storage -- and the hot meals are through the roof (they are always in that manner, but some months they are more so).

I am finishing up Atkinson's "The Liberation Trilogy" and it is quite good; the author has a touch for the common GI, who does not often come up...even in our very democratic society...


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