Saturday, March 29, 2014


Beholding global warming as the snow comes down...well, I am shocked, shocked, by this.

Today I performed a random act of social of our clients had told us she needed a queen bed, and one of our parishioners said she had one, so...I agreed to pick up and deliver it to the the OC, even.  I thought this was excellent -- aside from the storing and the manhandling -- and I agreed.  So, this morning, I trucked the mattress in the Patriotmobile, hauled butt to the OC...and no client.  I called at nine -- the time by which we were supposed to meet -- and she was "running late."  Ten minutes later -- I had to be somewhere else -- I just unloaded it and left.  Oi. 

Anyways...I think the client got the bed -- there was no angry email or call either way -- and off I went...rah.  I had Indian for lunch today -- not quite the first choice -- but it was actually really good; I suspect I got a very mild dish, the naan was delicious, and I didn't have the Gahndi's Revenge within the hour, always an added bonus.


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