Tuesday, April 08, 2014


Does anyone really believe that Calipari would go to the NBA?  I mean, unless this is an Izzo ploy to get a raise, I can't imagine how this even remotely passes the smell test.  In the meantime, I suspect that for all the hype about the women's game tonite...it won't be close. 

The March OC stats:  492 visits, 1331 people:  218 seniors, 667 adults, 446 kids.  Rah.


I do like the site, but when they publish stuff like this...oi.  Good Lord. 

You'd think after the Strongsville fiasco, people would be smarter about this, but then again, these are people so maybe not.  I don't know; I suspect the argument that the teachers are responsible--  in an overwhelming white and upper class district --for all of the success there is a little hollow, and given that people can look up salaries online and see who makes what...well, I think that is going to cause some angst.  I don't exactly blame the Board for doing this -- and I think they are -- to get concessions; times are tough, and people -- even in Chagrin Falls -- cannot afford to pay.  At least, not much more.


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