Monday, February 02, 2015

Cost concerns

Maybe; I mean, it could be true, and maybe it is just that Scott Walker isn't Bush III or Mitt III and is reasonably conservative and is fairly well-known to everyone in Iowa.  On the other hand, he is...different, which is what the GOP needs, and that is good.

I finally finished up the book on the Kennewick Man (I did some damage during the Duke/UVa game, as I thought Duke was dead all of 12 times or so; it was quite impressive) and am now reading a set of Civil War memoirs...something in the change of pace department, and I think you all know how much I love that.

The January OC stats (aided by a five-Saturday month):  508 clients, totaling 192 seniors, 720 adults, and 500 kids.  Rah.  The shelves were quite empty, and we are due for a delivery.  I don't want to imagine the price tag; I think in a year or so, we will have to consider either revenue enhancement or some reductions in what we can provide.  Maybe not severe at first, but...eek.  Maybe the Board will have some suggestions...

Did some cardio of a sort today and shoveled...some after I got home, and some more after J!.  I suspect it does not help the ruts in the yard, but I did make the driveway wider and smoothed out some of the holes, so I do not need make a flying turn every time I want to pull in the yard.  I suspect it would be easier to engage a plowperson, but it would NOT be cheaper, and now is not exactly the time to consider any more spending, if you get my drift....


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