Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Achy Breaky Everything

So, I had my first meeting with the physical trainer today, and all I can say is...every muscle in the upper half of my body is sore.  The bottom half isn't feeling so hot, either.  I am totally out of shape (obviously) and I felt and looked ridiculous in a gym full of people with largely perfect physiques.  I am also lighter in the wallet, as I decided (it was strongly suggested, but I sort of figured I would need it) to employ the trainer for an entire year...  I think my readers know my aversion (putting it lightly) to spending money, and this is no exception, but I decided it was worth it to get myself in shape.  I mean, if I look better and feel better, it is an investment in myself, especially if I decide to re-grow a pair and start looking for Mrs. Right again.  Let us also not discuss my age, and the ravages of said age.  Or, for that matter, the impending college reunion.

More seriously, I DO want to get in shape and look better, and this is what it is going to take, so...  in the meantime, I could not help but note that the song playing in the Patriotmobile when I got back from the workout was Alan Jackson's "The Next Thirty Years."  Lovely.

I sent the OC budget out and the only comment so far was that the utilities seemed high...honestly, they do, but as we pay no rent, I guess I never really minded.  Course, given the trend of food expenses outrunning revenues, maybe I should. 


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