Saturday, January 10, 2015


Finished watching "Breaking Bad" last nite...really liked that show, appealed to me in a lot of ways.  I also watching "Bringing Up Baby" and honestly...I didn't like.  Hepburn's character was simply annoying in every way possible.

Anyways, on to some links:

I think there is a lot more truth to this than one suspects; I mean, my time in NYC revealed to me how much shit costs there...and that affects people with less money.  Things are cheaper here, you can spend more on other things (sadly, our clients are beyond saving), better quality of life...etc.

This relates to the above; on the one hand, yes, but on the other...let's face it, people MADE these bad decisions, and sad to say, in this day and age, it's simply a hell of a lot tougher to get ahead when you do...whether you like it or not.  I am also not completely sold on this; there are a lot of jobs out there -- even in "jobs deserts," if you will, but people aren't taking them.  Some of it is can't, some of it is won' I like to say, you can still see a lot of people here hustling and providing for their some people choose to do it.

I got a kick out of this story...couple of weeks ago at Mass, there were no servers, and I was asked to be one.  I never was one, told them that...and people looked at me as if I was crazy...of course, the reason why I was NOT allowed to join was the molesting priests...not the girls.  I am not quite sure pushing out the girls will bring in vocations, but if it works...well, you can imagine the Holy Shitstorm that will cause.


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