Thursday, January 08, 2015


Tired and busy here, but I thought I would make a quick post...namely, the oddity of how two of the GOP's brightest stars (at one point) have faded.  Bobby Jindal -- a minority, gave the SOTU response in 2009, health care expert, etc. -- is underwater in Louisiana.  The governor of VA --a swing state, a solid conservative -- is in prison.  I would argue that the first isn't that uncommon; I mean, he was pretty high in LA and elsewhere, so a downward path is not impossible, but his has been steeper.  The second, though...well, the more you read about it, the more you say is...what were you thinking?

In contrast, one man who is quite high now is Scott Walker; yes, he of the recall and the ire of every leftist; but I think you could say he has a good a shot as anyone for the nomination.  We love governors (check), he is in a "swing state" (WI is left, but not impossible territory, obviously), he's won three elections, and he took on and beat the unions.  There is a strong base elsewhere in the GOP -- Rand and Jeb, to look at one pair -- but Walker does manage to appeal to a lot of GOP constituencies, doesn't he?


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