Monday, January 26, 2015

New and new

So, had to put a new garage door on -- the springs had broken on the previous, original one, and it was deemed impossible to repair a set to handle a 500-pound door -- and now I notice a leak in the pipe under the kitchen sink.  Grr.  Homeowning...let us just say that while these were not exactly the improvements I had planned to make...they are the ones I will be making.  I don't even want to think about the carnage done to the Patriotmobile replacement plan.

In the meantime, I was able to cross three more movies off the NFR...over the weekend I watched "Forbidden Planet" (which I sort of liked, in all honesty) and "Grey Gardens" (which was about crazy old ladies).  Today I watched "Top Hat" and I have come to the conclusion that I sort of like those Astaire/Rogers films; I mean, they are fairly humorous, and they do offer something for everyone -- comedy, music, dance, somewhat complex plots, a little bit of irony, and of course, for the people of the times (the 1930s), a look at a more elegant and opulent world.

I wonder if the success of Scott Walker in the GOP race this weekend bodes well or poorly for someone like Kasich.  The advantages Walker has now could be liabilities later, and let's face it, the more time you are out there, the more pot shots you have to take.  So it would benefit someone like Kasich to hunker down and let someone else take them.  On the other hand, Walker is out there demonstrating his conservative bona fides, while Kasich is off trying to defend his Medicaid expansion, which has the "try telling that to an angry mob" feel.  It does seem a little soon for me for GOPers to anoint the next chosen one, but if it isn't Bush or Romney...I think it is ok.


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