Thursday, January 15, 2015


I get a kick out of these things; I mean, businesses can't survive with 50% occupancy rates, and many of them aren't even full-pay customers, if you get my drift.  Course, if Lakewood truly cared, they could buy the place and run it as the hospital of Lakewood...but methinks they won't.

Am reading Bill Freehan's Behind the Mask (with ghostwritten help); basically, it is his diary of the 1969 Detroit Tigers is fairly good.  One does get a kick out of the stories about the players, like how Freehan seemed to think that McLain got preferential treatment, or how management handled (or not) some trades.  It is not exactly Ball Four, but I didn't expect it to be, and it is interesting to read about how a borderline Hall of Fame candidate went about his business.

I see Joni Ernst is doing the response to the SOTU...I can think of nothing better than her castrating a pig during her speech, just to make the point.  Actually, considering how she stole that seat from Bruce Braley, I rather like the salt in the wound approach taken by the GOP here.


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