Sunday, June 12, 2016


Saw the Calder Cup Championship last nite; sort of cool, actually.  I mean, we were in nosebleed seats, and the game terms of excitement at times, but the place went crazy after they won.  It did not seem that anyone expected 20K people for a hockey game...

The Tribe continues its winning ways, not the Angels are exactly hot stuff.  Uribe's injury, like that of Gomes...oi.  Oh.  At least Yan is back; I think the bat will come around, and...well, much as we appreciate the Gimenez/Bauer connection, you can see he is much better.

I think the Donald is right -- the President should say that it is Islam -- even a part of it -- that was responsible for yesterday -- and while I don't think that it is a high crime, like the Donald does, it does, I suspect, illuminate his path to victory...while his gun stance might not work, I think a LOT of people will say you know, maybe he is not off about letting some people in.  I would argue few people believe that he will shut the border down, but the implication -- less immigration -- is something that polls indicate is a plurality, if not majority view...


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