Thursday, May 11, 2017

Reality biting

Graduated to a bagel at work today, though I am mainly going with soft foods.  Grr.  I am surviving, more or less, so that is something; the mouth pain was less, but the left knee was sore.  Oi.  In the meantime, the Comey scandal rages own suspicion remains it was unwise to fire him, but...the man had made a bollocks out of things, hadn't he?  I did like Mike Huckabee's daughter reminding everyone that the Dems wanted him gone until, well, last night...

This amused the fuck out of me, because...well, it's not just the state level, now, is it?  I mean, that is one of the glories of the welfare state, in that it uses other people's money, until, of course, you run out of other people...and then they don't want to pay.  I think some GOP wiseacre should put some rider in a healthcare bill saying that only Democrats will pay for X and see what happens...

This is actually good stuff; lost in all of this is that the Dems aren't paying for this; people like I am with my doubled premiums, and no one has apologized or refunded my money...


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