Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Well, another long break...  the Tribe is playing well; to be sure, it is the starting pitching, but the offense has been scoring -- the HRs are nice, but they have also gotten some...well, medium innings?  This is a big stretch for them; if they can take 2 of 3 from the division rivals this week, they can add a little space... in the mean, Zimmer has been really sucking.  This could be me, but why not bench him?  I mean, you could call up Naquin, even if it meant only using seven relievers...  You could, especially with the starting doing so well... whatever has gotten into Salazar...wow.

One thing that amused me about this article is that it pretty much says that the alt-right is appropriating the words and actions of the left...and they object to it.  Well, those smart enough to get it...

I woke up a full hour earlier than I expected to...to be sure, I went to bed early last nite -- Holy Day Mass today -- but it was still not quite the plan, and I could feel it.  Now, of course...I am tired but not enough to sleep.  Alas.  This has been a problem the last week... oi.


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