Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Almost a week without a post...alas.  Work is going thrillingly, let me assure you...  watched "East of Eden" last nite, crossing yet another off the list... I mean, I liked it, but not all that much, and I am not really sure why it was included.  Certainly wasn't Dean's best role, and I couldn't think of another reason why it would be on there.  Alas.
I thought this was interesting, given that I have made the case that Democrats have given up on the "Roseanne" voter, more or less, so... the natural tendency would be for them to start voting Republican, or at least Trumpican...

I did this for some of the districts around here -- especially those with more Democrats than Republicans in them -- and, lo and behold, they were segregated!  Ok, I am not really surprised by this, given how segregated our area is, but, as I always note, it is not like the local Dems are moving into neighborhoods to make them less segregated...

I am shocked, shocked by this one...I mean, they are the friends of the worker.  I mean, some are, but, in all due respect, those days are long gone, but, like the Japanese soldiers in the Philippines, only the true believers carry on in their delusion...

The problem I have with this argument is that it is the left that unleashes these forces, and then, when someone else adopts them, well, they complain... mind you, a lot of what Trump represents is a reaction to what they have been offering; if people think that Plan A is a bad deal, they will opt for Plan B, and you really cannot blame them...  well, you can, but it won;t really do any good, and generally only pisses them off more...


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