Tuesday, May 01, 2018



Well, this is funny as hell;  I mean, it could be true, but I am not sure that anyone really thinks it is; I mean, there are some good pitchers on the Houston staff, and having a good spin rate is what makes them good.  In the meantime...  I am glad Brantley got the grand slam -- hard to believe it was his first, and he looked like shit the first two pitches -- but it was Francona's mismanagement of the relievers that got them into this mess.  Clevinger was pitching pretty well, and after the 'pen was hit over the weekend, and taxed last nite...well, we all know he loves his platoon advantages, even though, let's face it, it's Jeff Beliveau... and that was the game.  Not sure you couldn't get 2 IP from either Otero or Belisle, either... and in the meantime Goody has become extremely hittable, and McAllister is now the white flag pitcher.


This could be me -- and this is certainly above the comprehension of a Vox reader, let me assure you -- but maybe, just maybe -- the reverse is what happens; men are constantly given a stream of negative reinforcement, and while some people are going to believe it, others, of course, are going to seek out the counter-opinion, which in this case is actually deplorable. 


I am shocked, shocked, by this; now, if the GOP had any brains -- and of course, we don't -- they should be going off and fixing this; it calls for a legislative solution, to say nothing of waiving the waivers and making states get people to work.  This, I think, is what pisses off the average GOP voter, that they cannot get even get the little stuff right.

I think this an excellent idea, and more states should do this; not that we should be using to fund crap, though people will, but because of the competition it would offer banks; could you see a state issuing a credit card?  Ok, they wouldn't, but the mortgages and credit lines would cut into borrowing costs...  Of course, I think we all know in most states this bank would become a junket for politicos, but...


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